Dear readers, maybe you wish to know if I have any private property at home. Just a minute! Let me see ... Ah, here it is, but nothing much though. I have left with my wife for safekeeping a few changes of used underwear and a few pairs of socks with mended soles, all of which I used to wear last summer. She has now put them away in a remote mountain valley to prevent them from being stolen in case of Kuomintang attack, so that I may wear them again this summer. These are all the property I have to my name. But wouldn't the declaration of my family treasures make myself an object of lively ridicule to the rich?
這個段落是《清貧》倒數(shù)第二段,描寫方志敏烈士將財產(chǎn)——幾套舊褂褲,幾雙線襪藏在深山塢的事。該段落呼應(yīng)前文,揭示主題,充分表現(xiàn)了革命者“清貧”的高風(fēng)亮節(jié)。原文的“是不是……”、“啊”、“豈不要……”等詞句具有很強的人際功能和表情功能,譯文采用“dear readers”字眼縮短讀者和作者的距離,并用“Ah”以及設(shè)問句“But wouldn't the declaration of my family treasures make myself an object of lively ridicule to the rich?”實現(xiàn)原文的表情功能,突出了對“富人”的蔑視和革命者那種“重于九鼎,清于淑玉”長留天地的精神,再現(xiàn)了原文段落的功能和意義。