Working from home and distance education were promoted. Public gatherings were either canceled or postponed. Government agencies, public institutions and enterprises implemented prevention and control measures to manage employees, adopted more flexibility such as working online, staggered hours and staff rotation.
Schools postponed reopening according to the local conditions while training institutions suspended all offline courses and replaced them with online teaching, effectively curbing the flow of 300 million school-related people across the country.
With an increasing number of asymptomatic cases, it was decided to place all such cases under medical observation in isolation for 14 days at designated sites, and allow them to be discharged only after they test negative twice consecutively.
Health QR codes were promoted to ensure convenience for residents. Individuals could download health QR codes from government service network platforms to serve as permits for making trips, going to school or work, daily life and accessing public venues.
進入人員必須測體溫、戴口罩,避免交叉感染。People had to wear face masks and have their temperature checked before entering these facilities.
The codes are in three colors — green, yellow and red — and so restrictions could be imposed accordingly. This way, data on epidemic control could be collected precisely.