[00:11:02]Tyrion hopped off the last step onto the yard. I beg to differ, nephew, he said. The Starks can count past six. Unlike some princes I might name.
[00:22:40]Joffrey had the grace at least to blush.
[00:24:42]A voice from nowhere, Sandor said. He peered through his helm, looking this way and that. Spirits of the air!
[00:32:55]The prince laughed, as he always laughed when his bodyguard did this mummer’s farce. Tyrion was used to it. Down here.
[00:39:30]The tall man peered down at the ground, and pretended to notice him. The little lord Tyrion, he said. My pardons. I did not see you standing there.
[00:52:09]I am in no mood for your insolence today. Tyrion turned to his nephew. Joffrey, it is past time you called on Lord Eddard and his lady, to offer them your comfort.
[01:03:05]Joffrey looked as petulant as only a boy prince can look. What good will my comfort do them?
[01:08:53]None, Tyrion said. Yet it is expected of you. Your absence has been noted.
[01:15:40]The Stark boy is nothing to me, Joffrey said. I cannot abide the wailing of women.
[01:21:10]Tyrion Lannister reached up and slapped his nephew hard across the face. The boy’s cheek began to redden.
[01:28:00]One word, Tyrion said, and I will hit you again.