The box of pineapple arrived on Christmas Eve. You'd have thought Santa Claus had shown up in person with a bag of toys for each of them.
# Eleanor #
Maisie and Ben were already fighting over the box. Maisie wanted it for her Barbies. Ben didn't have anything to put in it, but Eleanor still hoped he'd win.
Ben had just turned twelve, and Richie said he was too old to share a room with girls and babies. Richie had brought home a mattress and put it in the basement, and now Ben had to sleep down there with the dog and Richie's free weights.
In their old house, Ben wouldn't even go down to the basement to put clothes in the wash -- and that basement had at least been dry and mostly finished. Ben was scared of mice and bats and spiders and anything that started moving when the lights went out. Richie had already yelled at him, twice, for trying to sleep at the top of the stairs.
The pineapple came with a letter from their uncle and his wife. Eleanor's mom read it first, and it made her get all teary. "Oh, Eleanor," she said excitedly, "Geoff wants you to come up for the summer. He says there's a program at his university, a camp for gifted high school students…"