薛濤(約768~832年),是一個帶有傳奇色彩的唐代女詩人,字洪度。長安(今陜西西安)人。16歲入樂籍,與韋皋,元稹有過戀情,戀愛期間,薛濤自己制作桃紅色小箋用來寫詩,后人仿制,稱“薛濤箋”。脫樂籍后終身未嫁。成都望江樓公園有薛濤墓” 。薛濤與劉采春,魚玄機,李冶,并稱唐朝四大女詩人。卓文君、薛濤、花蕊夫人、黃娥并稱蜀中四大才女。流傳至今詩作有90余首。
A Dog Separated from Its Master
Xue Tao
Behind crimson gates for four or five years1
a docile, obedient beast,
Its sweet-smelling pelt and cleanly feet
won the master’s affection.
Then for no reason it took a bite
of a dearly loved friend,
And no more is it allowed to sleep
upon the red silk rug.