K-12 schools and colleges can reopen, but safety should come first, Fauci says.
Schools and college campuses across the country should be OK to reopen, but officials need to proceed with caution and make safety a priority, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Monday.
The default position with K-12 schools should be to reopen them, said Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
There are two big reasons schools should go back to in-person learning, Fauci said Monday. Students need the psychological and nutritional benefits of being in school, and parents may have to "dramatically modify their work schedule."
On college campuses, Fauci said testing will be the key to reopening. Plans should include testing people before they arrive on campus, when they arrive and keeping quarantining them for 14 days. Colleges should still proceed with caution, though.
"If done properly, it would not be a risk, but then again, you've got to be careful when you get people coming in from outside," he said. "But I think if they maintain the guidelines that are put together for people coming back, that they should be fine."
Fauci's remarks come as more than 4.7 million Americans have been infected with Covid-19, and more than 155,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins data. Despite the data, people are still not heeding warnings from officials and continue to gather in private and public places without protection like masks.
"They are ignoring the advice," said aid William Haseltine, chairman and president of ACCESS Health International.
As one school district reopens, 260 employees infected
In Gwinnett County, Georgia, where some parents protested in favor of in-person classes, at least 260 school district employees tested positive for the virus or were in contact with someone infected, a district spokeswoman said.
That announcement came days after teachers returned to classrooms for in-person pre-planning, CNN affiliate WSB reported.
Across the country, some students have already tested positive as the school year begins.
At Greenfield-Central Junior High School in Indiana, a student tested positive on the first day of class -- prompting school officials to isolate the child and start tracking who may have come into close contact with the infected student.
In Mississippi, a high school student tested positive during the first week of classes, the Corinth School District said.
On Monday, Florida reported the deaths of two more minors from Covid-19 complications. At least seven children between the ages of 5 and 17 have died from Covid-19 in Florida, according to the state's health department.
In Florida's Miami-Dade County, one of the hardest-hit places in the country, the superintendent said students will continue virtual learning until at least October.