Outside of the obvious abusive type of parenting, there are some types you will want to avoid when raising a child.
Neglectful parenting is a very harmful type of parenting and even falls under abuse. It is a harmful type because the child has no basis for developing healthy relationships. However, it sometimes is not as easy to recognize as other forms of abuse. Some signs of neglectful parenting are as follows:
Neglecting physical, emotional, and other needs of a child.
Inability to connect with a child in any way.
Lack of interest in child’s activities, friendships, and schooling.
Leaving a child alone for long periods of time.
Permissive parenting may not seem like it would be a harmful type of parenting because the parents are highly loving and supportive of their child. The harmful part of this type of parenting is the fact that there are little to no boundaries, and if there are boundaries, they are inconsistent.
Children will grow up with no empathy, little self-discipline, and self-control, be self-centered, have no respect for rules or authority, and the inability to understand consequences. Some signs of this type of parenting are:
Little to no rules that are inconsistent or constantly changing.
Avoidance of confrontation with a child.
The desire to be child’s best friend or good friend.
Authoritarian parenting is considered to be a highly demanding parenting style. There usually is not open communication between parent and child, and the expectations can be unreasonable. As the child grows, they will develop low self-esteem, fear of authority, little social skills, and possibly rebellion or disobedience outside of parental influence. Some signs of authoritarian parenting are: