英國一位婦女正在賣她的洗澡水。它是如此受歡迎,以至于水都賣完了。這個女人是Instagram上的cosplay模特Belle Delphine。她在社交網站上有400多萬粉絲。她在Instagram主頁上發(fā)布了一段視頻,為她的舊洗澡水小罐打廣告,售價30美元。在視頻中,她說:“游戲玩家男孩——是時候給你的游戲玩家女孩洗澡了。”她補充說:“這水不是用來喝的,應該只用于情感目的。”然后,她對著鏡頭眨眼,讓嘴里的水滴進一個小瓶子里。成千上萬的粉絲急切地訂購了這種水。她所有的500罐水在兩天內就賣光了。
Belle Delphine is a 19-year-old Londoner. She has gained a lot of popularity on social media by sitting in a bath filled with water in skimpy clothes. She also calls herself Gamer Girl. Selling her old bath water is her latest idea to make money from her followers. Another way she makes money is by selling selfies of herself. Followers can pay up to $2,500 for some of the selfies. Belle said she is constantly trying to "come up with weird ideas" to make money. Her bath water idea has not been popular with everyone on social media. Many people said it was "gross". An Instagram user commented: "Every day, we stray further and further away from God." Other people praised her business skills.
Belle Delphine是一位19歲的倫敦人。她穿著暴露的衣服,坐在滿是水的浴缸里,因此在社交媒體上很受歡迎。她也稱自己為游戲玩家女孩。出售她的舊洗澡水是她從追隨者那里賺錢的最新想法。她的另一種賺錢方式是賣自己的自拍。粉絲們可以為其中一些自拍支付高達2500美元的費用。貝爾說,她一直在試圖“想出一些奇怪的點子”來賺錢。在社交媒體上,她的沐浴水想法并沒有受到所有人的歡迎。很多人說這很“惡心”。一位Instagram用戶評論道:“每一天,我們都離上帝越來越遠。”其他人稱贊她的商業(yè)技巧。