中英成語俚語800對017:背信棄義 背信棄義 Go back on a person. To back out. Play one false. A breach of... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對016:背道而馳 背道而馳 Run counter to. Look one way and row another. To be diametrically... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對015:暴跳如雷 暴跳如雷 Fly into a passion To go berserk. Hit the ceiling. Get one'... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對014:飽經(jīng)風霜 飽經(jīng)風霜 Gone through thick and thin. Gone through deep waters. eg:George ... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對013:半途而廢 半途而廢 Drop(fall) by the way side. Not go the whole hog. eg:It is sill... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對012:百折不撓 百折不撓 Fight for it tooth and nail. Get at it hammer and tongs. Never ... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對011:百無聊賴 百無聊賴 It's more pain to do nothing than something. Have time hanging ... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對010:百聞不如一見 百聞不如一見 Seeing is believing. One eye-witness is better than ten ear-w... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對009:百川歸?! “俅w海 Follow the river and you'll get to the sea. The sea refuses no... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對008:百尺竿頭,更進一步 百尺竿頭,更進一步 Break one's own record. eg:You have to make f... [查看全文]