中英成語俚語800對(duì)027:勃然大怒 勃然大怒 Go black in the face. Fly into a rage. Fly off the handle. Hi... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對(duì)026:并駕齊驅(qū) 并駕齊驅(qū) Keep abreast ( pace) with. Shoulder to shoulder. eg:Keep abreast ... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對(duì)025:冰凍三尺,非一日之寒 冰凍三尺,非一日之寒 Ill habits gather by unseen degrees. The tree ... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對(duì)024:賓至如歸 賓至如歸 Keep open house. A home from home. Feel at home. eg:The lady ... [查看全文]
別有用心 Have an axe to grind. With an ulterior purpose. Have an end in view. Have something Up one&... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對(duì)022:變幻莫測(cè) 變幻莫測(cè) The unexpected always happens. eg:Be prepared for the worst as the... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對(duì)021:鞭長莫及 鞭長莫及 Beyond one's grasp. Out of reach. eg:I cannot help him becaus... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對(duì)020:避重就輕 避重就輕 To ride off on side issues. It is better to fall from the window... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對(duì)019:比比皆是 比比皆是 Here and there and everywhere. eg:Such items can be found right an... [查看全文]
中英成語俚語800對(duì)018:本末倒置 背信棄義 Put the cart before the horse. Turn topsy-turvy. eg:Writing a boo... [查看全文]