中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)077:出言不遜 出言不遜 Put one's foot in one's mouth. Drop a clanger. eg:Forgive... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)076:出淤泥而不染 出淤泥而不染 Lilies are whitest in a blackamoor's hand. eg:He was bro... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)075:出人頭地 出人頭地 To be head and shoulders taller. Come to the fore. eg:John is h... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)074:出奇制勝 出奇制勝 Take by surprise. To cope with. eg:You outwitted John and won th... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)073:出類拔萃 出類拔萃 Out of the common run. In a class by itself. Distinguish oneself.... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)072:出口成章 出口成章 One's tongue is the pen of a ready writer. eg:A good speaker... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)071:出爾反爾 出爾反爾 Play fast and loose. Blow hot and cold. Go back on one's wor... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)070:躊躇滿志 躊躇滿志 To one's heart's content. To be self-satisfied. Puffed up w... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)069:愁眉苦臉 愁眉苦臉 Wear a glum countenance. Laugh on the other side of one's face.... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)068:充耳不聞 充耳不聞 None so deaf as those who won't hear. Turn a deaf ear to. e... [查看全文]