Radomir Novakovic Cakan is a successful businessman from Montenegro, who has earned himself nicknames like the bes... [查看全文]
The political debate about the role of the internet in terrorism, following three attacks in the UK, has become... [查看全文]
The obsession with how to manage millennials is obscuring another potentially larger problem: how to manage their... [查看全文]
畢業(yè)季又到了,你已經找好工作了嗎?一份簡潔明了又能吸引人的簡歷是求職成功的第一塊敲門磚,跟職業(yè)培訓專家一起學學怎么寫好簡歷吧。就業(yè)... [查看全文]
There are few jobs with less appeal than being the chief executive of a big company. The work is intolerably s... [查看全文]
近日,智聯(lián)招聘發(fā)布了一份有關2017年應屆大學畢業(yè)生求職情況的調查報告。調查數據顯示,今年大約有9.8%的應屆畢業(yè)生選擇慢就業(yè)。Students,... [查看全文]
我們在發(fā)送工作郵件時,總會把郵件抄送給雙方相關人員,但有些人卻總把一些不相關的上司也列到抄送地址,以期在職場搶占先機。還有些人給上... [查看全文]
快下班了老板通知開會,打印機又卡紙了,跟同事怎么也溝通不清楚……胸中怒火難耐,不小心就會在辦公室發(fā)飆。你也是辦公室易怒族嗎?The pe... [查看全文]
1. Sally Yates 薩莉•耶茨At the end of Trump's first month in office, US Attorney General Sally Yates was... [查看全文]