On Buying & SellingAnd a merchant said, "Speak to us of Buying and Selling."And he answered and said:To you the... [查看全文]
On ClothesAnd the weaver said, "Speak to us of Clothes."And he answered:Your clothes conceal much of your beauty,... [查看全文]
On HousesThen a mason came forth and said, "Speak to us of Houses."And he answered and said:Build of your imagi... [查看全文]
On Joy & SorrowThen a woman said, "Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow."And he answered:Your joy is your sorrow unma... [查看全文]
On WorkThen a ploughman said, "Speak to us of Work."And he answered, saying:You work that you may keep pace wit... [查看全文]
On Eating and DrinkingThen an old man, a keeper of an inn, said, "Speak to us of Eating and Drinking."And he ... [查看全文]
On GivingThen said a rich man, "Speak to us of Giving."And he answered:You give but little when you give of yo... [查看全文]
On ChildrenAnd a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children."And he said:Your child... [查看全文]
On MarriageThen Almitra spoke again and said, "And what of Marriage, master?"And he answered saying:You were born... [查看全文]
On LoveThen said Almitra, "Speak to us of Love."And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there f... [查看全文]