A board creaked as I crossed the floor.
原文按照先因后果順序排列,譯文正好顛倒過來。它也可以譯作When I crossed the floor, a board creaked.
②The knife made a thin, ①grating sound as it scraped the surface.
(羅貫中《三國演義》,Moss Roberts譯)
原文語序與時序一致。譯文顛倒了語序,并以The knife(刀)替換了原主語“(華)佗”。譯文符合英語習慣,行文也更加連貫。
?、買f Guangzhou is like a city of jadeite in the daytime, ③it becomes a luminous pearl, ④with a sea of lights twinkling ⑤in the streets ②after the sun sets in the west.
③He must have been aware ②that nobody was going to feed him ①after the death of his mistress.