It`s all about dreams, you know and by the way dreams cost nothing, they`re free
But the hard part is just keeping them going and please keep them going because we`re here for one simple reason,he believes in the dream , I believe in the dream that our dreams come true and there`s no reason every one of yours can`t either
When they say the film`s don`t influence people`s behavior, that`s not true.
When I did walk into the theater and saw Steve Reeves,it changed my life, I went outside and started lifting everything I could,
I`m telling you it was truly a seminal moment in my life,And if I hadn`t have ever seen that film, I wouldn`t be here today,
I`m going to get destroyed but if I can still be standing on my feet didn`t life isn`t so bad.
Somewhere along the line you changed you stopped being you , you let people stick a finger in yous face , and tell you you`re no good .
And when things got hard you stared looking for something to blame like a big shadow.
You know what you are,what you made of
Let me tell you something you already know , The world ain`t all sunshine and rainbows, It`s a very mean and nasty place,and I don`t care how tough you are,it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it .
You, me , or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain`t about how hard ya hit, It`s about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward, That`s how winning is done.
Everything I got is moved on , and I`m here
I said to myself if I break, hurt but I`m gonna fix it Why bother.
There was something about the process of unrealized dreams, I was always brought back to this subject. Because I think it`s one of the most enduring subjects, and one of the most difficult passages for people to accept, that they never were realized in their own lifetime, that they just didn`t get that shot.
You know I`ve come here for 6 years, for 6 years you`ve been stick it to me , I wanna know how come,You don`t want to know, Yeah , I wanna know how come,You want to know? I wanna know.
You know you`re really managed poverty very well, You`ve got this down to a science, you really don`t need much to live on , I had like sort of figured it out, So I was not in any way used to the good lifestyle you know what
Just roll the dice and you fly by the proverbial seat of your pants, I gotta try it , I gotta just do it, I may be totally wrong, but I just believe in it .