As part of the government's response, known as the "New Deal," President Franklin Rooseveltcreated an advisory panel to make recommendations to Congress for a program to protectworkers from losing their pensions or retirement savings.
In January of 1935, Congress began its consideration of the Social Security Act. Not everyonethought it was a good idea. There was a lot of opposition expressed during the congressionaldebates and in the opinion pages of the nation's newspapers.
Supporters praised it as a form of social responsibility, while others found it "dangerous andunconstitutional," imposing too much government in the private economic sector. Yetproponents carried the day, and the House and Senate passed the Social Security Act.Expanded by Congress over the years, Social Security has had a major impact on the lives ofolder Americans.
Without it, almost half of all Americans over 65 would be living in poverty. Often consideredone of government's greatest achievements, it is also the single most costly federal program;and the system's continued financial viability is currently a major issue of national concern.