Yael: Great question. And in fact, psychologists havefound that colors very well may influence ourmindset and behavior. For example, studies haveshown that red colors can help you concentrate anddo better on tasks that require attention to detail.And blue colors may enhance your ability to excelat creative work.
Don: That's interesting. But why? Why is red good for detailed work?
Yael: I was getting to that. Psychologists think that we learn to associate colors with variousmoods and emotions. So, for example, for most people red signals danger and caution. So beingin a reddish environment, or seeing red images on your computer screen or whatever,triggers that danger signal in the brain, which makes you more aware and alert. You may notliterally feel afraid or in danger, but you're in a state of greater awareness and attention.
Don: OK. So I'm guessing that blue is similar. And so far as we tend to associate blue withopenness and freedom.
Yael: Right.Blue is known to have a calming effect, which is good for free-flowing, creativework.
Don: But some hues of blue can seem kind of depressing.Do all kinds of blue have the sameaffect?
Yael: No, actually. Some blues are kind of downers, and some bright reds are more upbeat thanthey are cautionary. In those cases, the effects are reversed.
Don: But the point is that colors—whatever they may be—affect our behavior.
Yael: Right.