But a study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that usingconfrontational methods to train dogs often results in pets that are more aggressive andunmanageable. Common techniques include hitting or kicking a dog, growling, rolling a dogon its back and holding it down, staring a dog down and grabbing a dog's jowls and shaking.The researchers' survey of 140 dog owners showed that these aggressive methods resulted inan aggressive response from dogs at least twenty-five percent of the time. So how shouldyou train your dog?
Many expert trainers advocate treating a dog much as you would a small child. Gentle trainingtechniques emphasize building a healthy relationship with your dog by opening clear lines ofcommunication and establishing a set of rules and boundaries. This includes rewarding dogsfor good behavior and not expecting your dog to obey all your commands right away. Like mostkids and even many adults, learning to behave takes time and patience.