One method works like the way your own eyes determine how far away earthbound objects are.Hold a finger upright at arm's length, then close an eye as if you were winking. Open that eyeand close the other. As you alternate eyes, your finger will seem to change position. Keepwinking back and forth, then move your finger closer to your face.
The closer your finger is, the more it appears to jump compared to the background. This is thekey to one method of measuring how distant the stars are. Closer stars seem to shift more thandistant ones do when seen from different places. The farther apart your two observation pointsare, the more dramatic this shifting becomes.
Your eyes are only inches apart, so no matter how much you wink at the stars, you won't beable to shift them with your eyes alone. Astronomers, however, can use telescopes in differentparts of the world, thousands of miles apart. Even better, they can photograph a star once, thenagain six months later. During six months the Earth will have orbited to the other side of thesun, creating a pair of telescopic eyes that are almost two hundred million miles apart. With thisdistance, the shift becomes quite noticeable. This method has been used to math the locationof thousands of nearby stars.