This was the suggestion that the Earth is not quite round. According to Newton's theory, thecentrifugal force of the Earth's spin should result in a slight flattening at the poles and abulging at the equator, which would make the planet slightly oblate. That meant that thelength of a degree wouldn't be the same in Italy as it was in Scotland. Specifically, the lengthwould shorten as you moved away from the poles. This was not good news for those peoplewhose measurements of the Earth were based on the assumption that the Earth was a perfectsphere, which was everyone.
For half a century people had been trying to work out the size of the Earth, mostly by makingvery exacting measurements. One of the first such attempts was by an English mathematiciannamed Richard Norwood. As a young man Norwood had traveled to Bermuda with a diving bellmodeled on Halley's device, intending to make a fortune scooping pearls from the seabed. Thescheme failed because there were no pearls and anyway Norwood's bell didn't work, butNorwood was not one to waste an experience. In the early seventeenth century Bermuda waswell known among ships' captains for being hard to locate. The problem was that the oceanwas big, Bermuda small, and the navigational tools for dealing with this disparity hopelesslyinadequate. There wasn't even yet an agreed length for a nautical mile. Over the breadth ofan ocean the smallest miscalculations would become magnified so that ships often missedBermuda-sized targets by dismaying margins. Norwood, whose first love was trigonometry andthus angles, decided to bring a little mathematical rigor to navigation and to that end hedetermined to calculate the length of a degree.