獲得9.7k好評的答案@Alok Moghe
I had renewed my internet connection as it had expired a day back but it wasn't started yet. So I called up my internet service provider. He tried to convince me this:在我的網絡連接過期一天之后我去續(xù)訂了,但是它卻依舊沒有連上。所以我打電話去問網絡服務提供商。他試圖讓我相信:"Just as water takes time to reach the tap after the pipeline hasn't been used for a day or two, it would take few hours for internet to reach through the LAN cable as the air in has to move out first. Don't worry It would come fast as the line was serviced few days back."“如果水管有一兩天沒用了,那么水流到水龍頭要花費一些時間,網絡也一樣,要先排出網線里的空氣,所以需要花幾個小時才能接通。不用擔心,網速會跟以前一樣快的。”
獲得2.9k好評的答案@Shivang Agarwal
That Windows is trying to find a solution to the problem just occurred.Windows會一發(fā)生問題就會去找解決方法。
獲得2.7k好評的答案@Garrick Saito
That "your call is very important to us. Please stay on the line and a customer service representative will be with you shortly."“您的來電對我們來說非常重要,請不要掛機,有客服代表將立即與您通話?!盧eally? If my call is so important to you, why have you kept me on hold for the last 30 fricking minutes? If my call is so important, shouldn't you be hiring more staff or doing something about high frequency call hours so that you don't shamelessly waste my valuable time?你們沒逗我?如果我的電話對你們來說如此重要,那你們?yōu)槭裁窗盐伊涝诰€上整整30分鐘?如果我的電話有這么重要,你們難道不應該雇更多人手或者在來電頻率較高的時間段做些什么嗎?你們不覺得浪費我寶貴的時間非常無恥嗎?Please just tell me the truth. "We'll get to you when we get to you."請告訴我事實。“我們將在接通電話后處理您的事情?!?p>獲得2.5k好評的答案@Nishith Rastogi
Me: My internet isn't working.我:我的網絡斷了。My ISP's (MTNL) Customer Care: Did you try restarting the modem.網絡服務提供商(MTNL)客服:您試過重啟調制解調器嗎?Me: Yes.我:試過了。CustCare : Are you using Internet Explorer.客服:您在使用IE瀏覽器嗎?Me: No.我:沒有。CustCare: You must, else it won't work.客服:您必須使用,不然您的網絡無法運行。Me: