Western fast food ≠ Junk food.
As a coin has two sides, western fast food has both benefit and harm. Just as Chinese fast food also has some fried cuisine, western fast food does have some low-calorie and nutritious dishes, such as vegetable soup and salad. What's more, the western food restaurants such as KFC and McDonalds, have strict quality control guarantees to provide safe and healthy food for the customers. Therefore, we can not criticize the westem fast food as junk food.
Western fast food =Junk food
I think we need food for energy, just as a car needs fuel. A balanced diet is important to one's health. However, now, more and more people, especially the children, crowd into the western fast food restaurant such as KFC and McDonalds where hamburger and French fries are served. In my opinion, the western fast food is just a kind of junk food which might lead to chronic food security problems.
Many people in westem counties are becoming increasingly concerned that the fast food diet is a major contributor to serious health problems such as obesity and heart disease. Westerners are changing their habits accordingly. so what about ourselves?