You may have setbacks and you may have failures, but you're not done. You're not even getting started, not by a long shot. And if you ever forget that, just look to history. Thomas Paine was a failed corset maker, a failed teacher and a failed tax collector before he made his mark on history with a little book called "Common Sense" that helped ignite a revolution.
Julia Childs didn't publish her first cookbook until she was almost 50. Colonel Sanders didn't open his first Kentucky Fried Chicken until he was in the 60s. Winston Churchill was dismissed as little more than a has-been who enjoyed Scotch a little bit too much before he took over his Prime Minister and saw Great Britain through its finest hour.
No one thought a former football player stocking shelves at the local supermarket would return to the game he loved to become a Super Bowl MVP and then come here to Arizona and leady our Cardinals to their first Super Bowl. Your body of work is never done.
Each of them at one point in their life didn't have any title or much status to speak of, but they had passion; a commitment to following that passion wherever it would lead, and to working hard every step along the way.