[00:08:08]The gifts mounted up around her in great piles, more gifts than she could possibly imagine, more gifts than she could want or use.
[00:19:30]And last of all, Khal Drogo brought forth his own bride gift to her.
[00:25:00]An expectant hush rippled out from the center of the camp as he left her side,
[00:31:29]growing until it had swallowed the whole khalasar.
[00:34:55]When he returned, the dense press of Dothraki gift-givers parted before him, and he led the horse to her.
[00:45:06]She was a young filly, spirited and splendid. Dany knew just enough about horses to know that this was no ordinary animal.
[00:55:06]There was something about her that took the breath away. She was grey as the winter sea, with a mane like silver smoke.
[01:03:08]Hesitantly she reached out and stroked the horse’s neck, ran her fingers through the silver of her mane.
[01:12:01]Khal Drogo said something in Dothraki and Magister Illyrio translated. “Silver for the silver of your hair, the khal says.”
[01:23:21]“She’s beautiful,” Dany murmured.
[01:24:51]“She is the pride of the khalasar, “ Illyrio said.
[01:29:08]“Custom decrees that the khaleesi must ride a mount worthy of her place by the side of the khal.”