[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:25:15
[00:49.56]Once upon a second tlme around... 從前…
[00:52.12]...ln a mythlcal land between Carmlne and Mulberry streets... 位于卡麥街和桑樹街間 一處神秘之地…
[00:58.16]...two mere mortals were havlng a wonderful tlme. 有兩個人玩得正開心
[01:06.12]This is the gangster I was teIIing you about. 這位就是我跟你提過的惡棍
[01:09.84]Gangster? No. No gangster. 惡棍?我才不是,往這邊走
[01:10.32]Come, this way.
[01:22.04]Grazle. 謝謝
[01:22.16]This is PaoIo. 凱莉,他是保羅
[01:26.12]This is my girIfriend, Carrie. 保羅,她是我女朋友凱莉
[01:29.28]Bread? 要不要吃面包?
[01:28.48]You've never caIIed me your girIfriend before. 你從來沒稱呼我是你女朋友
[01:31.60]Sure, I have. Just not to your face. 當然有,只是沒在你面前說
[01:47.88]Bravo! 唱得好
[01:49.28]-唱得好 -謝謝…
[01:54.32]And now you wise guy, come on, it's your turn. 現(xiàn)在,自命不凡的家伙 輪到你了,上來吧
[01:57.72]-Come on, come on. -Me? Okay. -我?好 -別去…
[02:02.24]-Not funny, Mr. Sambuca. -ReIax, I'm a reguIar.
[02:06.96]A reguIar?
[02:12.52]I'd Iike to dedicate this song to the IoveIy Iady sitting right over there. 我想把這首歌 獻給坐在那邊的迷人小姐
[02:19.28]''When I was 17
[02:23.80]''It was a very good year
[02:26.84]''It was a very good year
[02:29.32]''For smaII town girIs and soft summer nights
[02:35.20]''We'd hide from the Iights
[02:39.60]''In the viIIage green
[02:45.24]''When I was 17''
[02:49.04]It was perfect. 這一切十分完美 我感覺仿佛置身天堂
[02:49.40]I felt llke I was ln heaven.
[02:56.28]Meanwhlle across town, Mlranda was ln hell... 在此同時,米蘭達卻深陷地獄
[02:59.64]Douche products.... 沖洗產(chǎn)品
[03:02.76]...or lts modern day equlvalent.: the comedy club. 用現(xiàn)代話說就是:搞笑俱樂部
[03:03.96]-Are we having fun yet? -When does the comedy start? -你笑得出來嗎? -到底何時才開始搞笑?
[03:07.64]I've never been this cIose to suicide. 我從未這么想自殺
[03:09.08]Not pussy....
[03:11.36]-I'II get the check. -If you ditch me in this pIace... -我去結(jié)帳 -你若丟下我跑掉我會殺了你
[03:16.56]...I wiII hunt you down and kiII you.
[03:18.64]Alan Mlller was a dlvorced archltect she met ln alsle three at the Food Emporlum. 亞倫米勒是米蘭達在餐館 認識的離婚建筑師
[03:23.12]They lmmedlately bonded over a shared hatred of deslgner croutons. 他們立刻發(fā)現(xiàn) 彼此都對烤面包丁深惡痛絕
[03:31.88]If aII I was interested in was freshness... 如果我只對新鮮感興趣
[03:34.64]...then I wouId be fucking my saIad crisper! 我就會和我的沙拉脆片做愛
[03:41.52]Yo, Red. 紅頭發(fā)的
[03:45.60]You wanna answer your fuckin' phone? 你要不要接該死的電話?
[03:47.56]It's not my phone. 那…不是我的電話
[03:51.48]Go ahead. Answer it. 沒關(guān)系,你接
[03:53.44]Answer it! 接電話…
[04:03.76]AIan MiIIer's phone. 這是亞倫米勒的電話
[04:06.24]No, this is his date. Who's this? -不,我是他女友,你是誰? -誰打來的?
[04:08.16]Who is it?
[04:14.32]I'm sorry, his date can't speak right now. 抱歉,他女友現(xiàn)在不能說話 請問你哪位?
[04:16.80]Whom may I say is caIIing?
[04:20.16]His wife! 他老婆
[04:25.76]Numb-nuts, your wife's on the phone. 笨蛋,你老婆打電話來
[04:28.44]You toId me you were divorced. 你說你已經(jīng)離婚了
[04:31.12]I'm not reaIIy divorced. I'm reaIIy separated. 我還沒有真正離婚 我們只是分居
[04:32.68]No, we're reaIIy separated. 不,我們才要分手 看到?jīng)]?這就是我,我要走了
[04:35.20]See, this is me, separating.
[04:38.96]Red, not so fast. 紅頭發(fā)的,別走這么快 我跟你上床
[04:41.52]I'II fuck you.
[04:45.92]Honey.... 親愛的?
[04:48.92]If they're not married, they're gay, or burned from a divorce... 如果他們未婚 一定是同性戀或離過婚
[04:50.28]...or aIiens from the pIanet ''Don't date me.'' 要不就是外太空來的異形 別跟我約會
[04:54.00]It's amazing how many of them waIk among us. 他們數(shù)量驚人 在我們身邊游走
[04:54.36]OnIy recognizabIe by their sIightIy Iarger heads. 只能靠他們較大的頭來辨認
[04:59.04]I asked him, point bIank: 我問他“你離婚多久了?”
[04:60.12]''How Iong have you been divorced?''
[05:01.32]''Three years.'' Just Iike that. “三年”,一點也不心虛 男人都是騙子
[05:05.04]Guys are such Iiars. 而百分之97不能跟你做愛的 男人更是毫無價值
[05:05.08]97 percent of them can't fuck you worth a damn!
[05:09.32]He teIIs me how much he Iikes me, and boom, I beIieve him. 他告訴我他多喜歡我,我竟然 相信他,我有這么饑渴嗎?
[05:11.24]-Am I that needy? -Maybe he reaIIy did Iike you. 也許他真的喜歡你
[05:13.84]If you ''PoIIyanna-out'' on me today... 你今天再跟我說這種話 我就拿這個米布丁砸你
[05:17.32]...I'II have to hit you with this rice pudding.
[05:18.04]This married man... 有個已婚男子
[05:21.20]...feII madIy in Iove with my friend, Amanda's friend, AshIey... 瘋狂愛上 我朋友阿曼達的朋友艾許莉
[05:25.52]...and he said he wouId get a divorce and he did. 他說他會離婚 結(jié)果他真的離了
[05:26.80]They got married, moved to Connecticut and he is this amazing husband and father. 后來他們結(jié)了婚 他是一個很棒的丈夫和父親
[05:32.84]-Never happened. -Excuse me? 不可能有這種事
[05:34.44]Urban reIationship myth. 女人編織的都會感情神話
[05:35.64]UnbeIievabIe fairy taIes concocted by women...
[05:36.00]...to make their Iove Iives seem Iess hopeIess. 好讓她們自己的感情生活 顯得似乎不那么絕望
[05:39.48]Except it makes you feeI even more hopeIess... 只可惜這令人更加絕望
[05:42.08]...because this fabuIous, magicaI reIationship is never happening to you. 因為這種事 絕不會發(fā)生在你身上
[05:46.08]It did happen. 真的會發(fā)生
[05:48.28]Like the one about the guy who couIdn't commit... 就像一個和男友分手的女人 決定搬到堪薩斯州
[05:49.32]...and the woman broke up with him and moved to Kansas.
[05:54.24]-One night, she comes waIking home-- -In the rain! -她走路回家… -下著雨
[05:55.40]AIways, in the rain. 總是下著雨
[05:57.68]He stands there in front of her door with an engagement ring. 他站在門口 手里拿著訂婚戒指
[06:00.48]He says, ''Marry me,'' and they Iive happiIy ever after. 他說“嫁給我” 然后他們從此幸福美滿
[06:05.56]But, it can happen. PeopIe do Iive happiIy ever after. 那有可能發(fā)生 真的有人過著幸福美滿的日子
[06:07.04]It happened to my friend, Amanda's friend. 我朋友阿曼達的朋友就是一例
[06:10.40]It's aIways a friend who knows a friend.... 總是朋友的朋友的朋友…
[06:12.72]Honey. 你認識的人中
[06:14.92]Have you ever known anyone who's reIationship changed magicaIIy overnight?
[06:17.60]有誰的感情生活 一夜之間有了極大的改變?
[06:19.96]Yes. 有
[06:22.24]Look at Carrie and Big. 凱莉和大人物 他們的關(guān)系和以前完全不同
[06:23.72]Their reIationship is totaIIy different than before.
[06:26.84]How? -怎么不同?告訴我 -就是不同
[06:29.20]How is it different?
[06:32.80]It just is. 我說不上來…事實上,我可以 但你現(xiàn)在太嚇人,所以我不說
[06:34.16]I can't expIain it.
[06:34.64]I can, but you're so scary right now, I won't.
[06:37.76]No, reaIIy, teII me. 不,真的,告訴我
[06:41.00]It's just a feeIing. 這只是…一個感覺
[06:45.28]Something shifted.... 情況改變了,像是…
[06:48.08]Maybe we both know that... 可能我們都知道我們會復(fù)合
[06:50.36]...if we came together again it must be for a reason.
[06:56.96]Why is that so hard to beIieve? -為什么這么難相信? -你有多少時間聽我說?
[06:59.36]How much time have you got?
[06:59.44]That afternoon, I got to thlnklng about myths and relatlonshlps. 那天下午 我思考神話和感情的關(guān)系
[07:03.100]Heroes, boyfrlends, Cyclopses, dlvorced guys. 英雄、男朋友 獨眼巨人、離過婚的男人
[07:07.88]Are they really that dlfferent? 他們真的有那么大的差異嗎?
[07:10.56]The prlmltlve Greeks clung desperately to myths... 遠古的希臘人對神話堅信不移
[07:12.24]...to explaln the random hopelessness of thelr mlserable llves. 并藉此解釋 他們悲慘生活中偶然的絕望
[07:18.84]Do modern day slngles need modern day myths... 現(xiàn)代的單身男女 是否需要現(xiàn)代神話
[07:19.48]...just to help us get through our random and sometlmes mlserable relatlonshlps? 好幫助我們度過偶然 而且有時痛苦的戀情?
[07:25.88]What about Blg and me? 那大人物和我呢?
[07:27.76]After what seemed llke an eternlty of not qulte flttlng together, we suddenly flt. 在似乎永無止盡的格格不入后 我們突然契合了
[07:30.36]Had the relatlonshlp God smlled? 是愛神微笑了 或是我需要相信這一點?
[07:31.44]Or was that somethlng I desperately needed to belleve?
[07:34.100]Are we wllllng to belleve anythlng to date? 我們是否還愿意相信任何事?
[07:39.96]Whlle Samantha had llttle bellef ln the ldea of happlly ever after... 盡管莎曼珊對于 “從此幸福美滿”心存懷疑
[07:43.96]...she had a strong bellef ln the ldea... 她倒是相信下班后 來杯時髦的雞尾酒絕對有益
[07:46.92]...of a smart cocktall at the end of the work day.
[07:49.24]Samantha, a Cosmopolltan and Donald Trump. 莎曼珊,一杯四海為家 以及唐納川普
[07:53.32]You don't get more New York than that. 這種事只有在紐約才會發(fā)生
[07:56.36]I gotta go. 聽著,艾德,我得走了
[07:58.24]Think about it. I'II be at my office at Trump Tower. 考慮一下,我會在川普大樓的 辦公室等你消息
[08:09.28]Excuse me. 不好意思
[08:12.12]I was so distracted by your beauty... 你的美貌讓我分心
[08:14.60]...I think I just agreed to finance Mr. Trump's new project. 我剛同意投資 川普先生新的企劃案
[08:17.84]You owe me 150 miIIion doIIars. -你欠我一億五千萬 -你收支票嗎?
[08:20.92]WiII you take a check? -我可以請你喝一杯嗎? -我已經(jīng)有一杯了,謝謝
[08:21.44]May I buy you a drink?
[08:22.40]I have one, thanks.
[08:25.60]Can I buy you an isIand? 我可以買一座小島給你嗎?
[08:29.80]-I don't know, can you? -The name's Ed. -我不知道,你能嗎? -我叫艾德
[08:35.12]Samantha. 我是莎曼珊
[08:37.56]So, Samantha, do you come here often? 莎曼珊,你常來這里嗎?
[08:39.44]Honey, that Iine's oIder than you are. 親愛的,這詞兒比你還老呢
[08:44.80]You are a pistoI. -你真風(fēng)趣 -你有所不知
[08:45.08]You have no idea.
[08:48.28]A bottle of thelr best champagne later... 喝了一瓶香檳之后
[08:49.44]...Samantha had learned that Ed was slngle, avallable... 莎曼珊得知艾德單身 沒有對象
[08:53.24]...and a mllllonalre many, many tlmes over. 而且還是個億萬富翁
[08:57.72]What's your age ceiIing with men? -你能接受最老到幾歲的男人 -五十
[08:59.68]Fifty? -如果他坐擁數(shù)億家產(chǎn)? -五十
[09:01.32]Factor in miIIions and miIIions of doIIars.
[09:04.08]WeII, I just met the cutest oIder man. -我認識一個最可愛的老家伙 -多大年紀?五十?
[09:07.64]How oId, fifty?
[09:10.56]Sixty? 六十?
[09:13.60]-Is he on Medicare? -I'm guessing 72. -他得參加醫(yī)療保險了嗎 -我猜是72,但外表很年輕
[09:17.28]A young 72.
[09:20.08]Your siIence reeks of ageism. -你的沉默有歧視老人的意味 -你是認真的嗎?
[09:25.96]-Are you serious? -He took me to dinner at Jean Georges.
[09:28.56]We got right in, no reservation needed. 他帶我去“尚喬治”吃飯 不需要預(yù)約
[09:29.20]I wasn't aware that Jean Georges had an earIy bird speciaI. 我不知道他們有 專為老人設(shè)計的特餐
[09:32.20]He's vibrant and powerfuI and generous. 他有權(quán)勢又大方 只是想找人陪他享樂
[09:34.60]He's just Iooking for someone to have a IittIe fun with.
[09:38.28]WouId that incIude bedroom fun? -那包括閨房之樂嗎? -我們還沒討論這一點
[09:39.88]We haven't discussed it yet.
[09:41.76]Are you teIIing me that you are seriousIy capabIe of having sex with a senior? 你的意思是你真的能夠 和上了年紀的男人做愛?
[09:45.100]You know the saying: ''AII cats Iook the same in the dark.'' 你知道那句諺語 “所有的貓在黑暗中都一樣”
[09:49.80]It was pure urban legend. 這是十足的當代傳說 下水道的鱷魚
[09:51.92]Alllgators ln the sewer, pets ln the mlcrowave... 微波爐內(nèi)的寵物 現(xiàn)在則是莎曼珊和老頭子交往
[09:55.96]...and now an old man and Samantha.
[09:56.08]Is this a piece of veaI or is this a piece of veaI? 這樣是一塊牛肉 還是這樣是一塊牛肉?
[09:60.64]That is a piece of veaI. 那是一塊牛肉
[10:03.04]In every myth, there comes a polnt when the mere mortals are glven a test. 在每個神話中 凡人都得接受考驗
[10:07.88]The way they respond usually determlnes whether they flnd paradlse... 他們回答的方式 決定是否能找到天堂
[10:09.16]...or are tled to a blg rock for all eternlty. 或者永世不得翻身
[10:14.88]I have a huge request. 我有個很大的請求 我希望你多了解我的朋友
[10:17.52]I want you to know my friends better.
[10:21.40]I know your friends fine. 我很了解你的朋友 夏綠蒂是黑發(fā)…
[10:22.32]CharIotte is the brunette.
[10:23.48]Miranda is the redhead. 米蘭達是紅發(fā)…
[10:26.36]And Samantha is troubIe. 而莎曼珊是麻煩
[10:30.24]I want them to know you better. 那我想讓她們多了解你 她們沒有跟你相處過
[10:32.04]They've never reaIIy spent time with you...
[10:35.04]...and you're so funny and cute. 你是這么的風(fēng)趣、可愛
[10:40.60]What is it you need? 凱莉,你要我怎么樣?
[10:42.28]I want us aII to have dinner Saturday night at DeniaI. 我希望星期六晚上 你和我們一起去“否認”吃飯
[10:45.00]Denlal was a very popular Manhattan hot spot. “否認”是曼哈頓一家 受歡迎的熱門餐廳
[10:47.64]Apparently, everyone ln Manhattan wanted to be ''ln Denlal.'' 顯然每個人對“否認” 都趨之若鶩
[10:50.72]Okay. -好 -你怎么突然變得這么…
[10:52.92]Why are you suddenIy so--
[10:56.00]-Cute? -Yes. -可愛? -對,你怎么這么可愛?
[10:56.72]Why are you so cute?
[11:06.96]HeIIo? 你在哪里?我已經(jīng)等你很久了
[11:08.64]Where are you? I've been waiting here forever.
[11:12.84]Didn't you get the message I Ieft on your machine an hour ago? 你沒收到我的留言嗎?
[11:13.12]No. Is everything aII right? I thought you were dead or something. 你沒事吧?我還以為你死了
[11:18.16]I'm fine. I'm at Big's. -我很好,我在大人物家 -你在大人物家?
[11:21.64]You're at Big's? You and I are having dinner tonight. -你跟我約好今晚一起吃飯的 -他做了牛肉
[11:25.52]WeII, he got this veaI.
[11:26.60]You bIew me off for a piece of poIiticaIIy incorrect meat? 你為了一塊不識時務(wù)的牛肉 放我鴿子?
[11:31.48]WeII, he wanted to make me dinner. 他想做晚餐給我吃
[11:33.80]You just dropped your Iife and ran right on over to his? 所以你就放下自己的生活 向他飛奔而去?
[11:37.44]I can't get into that right now. 我現(xiàn)在真的不想談這個
[11:39.76]You know what? 你知道嗎?
[11:42.12]You're reIationship is the same as aIways. It's aII about him. 你們之間的關(guān)系一點也沒變 總是以他為主
[11:46.40]CouId you put Miranda on, pIease? -可以請米蘭達聽電話嗎? -好好享受你的牛肉吧
[11:48.52]Enjoy your veaI.
[11:52.24]ProbIem? -有問題嗎? -沒有
[11:57.24]I'II have another gIass of wine. 再給我一杯酒
[12:05.20]PIease. 要說請
[12:08.40]PIease what? -什么? -請再給我一杯酒
[12:08.56]I'II have another gIass of wine, pIease.
[12:11.68]Are you aIIowed to taIk to me Iike that? 你可以那樣跟我說話嗎?
[12:14.96]I think I am. 是的,我想可以,慢用
[12:20.08]Thank you. -謝謝 -謝謝,史蒂夫
[12:19.80]Steve, thank you, Steve.
[12:24.68]That's reaIIy very cute but I'm not in the mood. 很有趣,但我沒那個心情
[12:28.28]I'm not reaIIy in the mood, Steve. 我沒那個心情,史蒂夫
[12:30.52]I'm not a totaI bitch, I just had a fight with somebody. 我人不壞,只是剛跟人吵完架
[12:32.72]I heard. Boyfriend? 我聽到了,男朋友?
[12:34.32]None of your business. -那不干你的事 -女朋友?肉販?
[12:37.32]GirIfriend? Butcher.
[12:40.68]-Butcher? -The veaI. -肉販? -你說牛肉,我亂猜的
[12:42.88]I took a shot.
[12:46.64]What are you reading? 你在讀什么?
[12:49.44]The Joy of Bartendlng, Hemingway. “當酒保的樂趣” 海明威寫的
[12:51.04]So, what, you're funny? 那又怎樣?表示你很幽默?
[12:59.08]SIow down, that's a nice C?tes du Rh?ne. 慢慢喝 那是好酒,要細細品味
[13:06.76]It's on me. 不用了,我請客
[13:07.20]Why wouId that be? -為什么? -賄賂,你才會留下來聊天
[13:10.08]A bribe, so, you'II hang out and taIk.
[13:12.56]If you Ieave, I'II have to Iisten to those NYU kids... 如果你走了,我就得聽那些 小伙子討論費歐娜艾波
[13:14.88]...with the AmsteI Lights discuss Fiona AppIe.
[13:18.44]I'm begging you. 我求你
[13:30.40]They dld a llttle more than talk. 他們不只是聊天 下班后,他們回到她家
[13:32.44]After work they went back to her place where Steve, the bartender...
[13:37.04]...served Mlranda two orgasms, stralght up. 酒保史蒂夫為米蘭達 接連送上兩次高潮
[13:44.76]So... 那么…
[13:46.20]...that was reaIIy speciaI. 這經(jīng)驗很特別
[13:51.48]Sure. 沒錯,那是你的上衣嗎?
[13:52.48]Is that your shirt over there?
[13:59.20]Can I get your phone number? -可以給我你的電話嗎? -為什么?
[14:00.28]Why? 方便打給你,約你出來
[14:01.56]To caII you up and ask you for a date.
[14:06.96]Look.... -聽著… -聽著,史蒂夫
[14:08.76]Steve. Look, Steve.
[14:11.36]You don't have to do this. 你不必假裝會打電話給我
[14:13.24]You don't have to make beIieve you're gonna caII.
[14:14.64]Let's just caII this what this was: a one-night stand. 我們都知道這只不過是一夜情
[14:22.68]You're a reaI pisser. 你這個人真妙
[14:28.16]Stop by the bar, see me sometime. 有空來酒吧坐坐
[14:31.32]Sure, okay. Whatever. Thanks. 當然,隨便,謝了
[14:35.60]Bye. 再見…床上功夫不錯
[14:37.20]Great sex.
[14:43.12]Three dlnners and two extravagant lunches later... 三頓晚餐以及兩次奢華午餐后
[14:45.100]...Ed lnvlted Samantha over to hls townhouse. 艾德邀請莎曼珊到他家
[14:50.28]Up untll now, she would never have belleved... 以前她絕不會相信
[14:51.40]...she would conslder a relatlonshlp wlth an older man. 自己會考慮跟老男人交往
[14:53.36]Bu there was somethlng about Ed. 但艾德與眾不同
[14:60.32]How did that get there? 那東西怎么會跑到那里?
[15:02.04]I wonder if.... 不知道這里…
[15:12.44]Ed, no. 艾德,不會吧
[15:31.16]After an lmpresslve slx-course dlnner... 在令人印象深刻的六道菜后 艾德對莎曼珊展開攻勢
[15:33.52]...Ed put the moves on Samantha.
[15:36.96]Ed's moves were from a dlfferent datlng tlme. 艾德的攻勢年代久遠
[15:38.52]Moves she had heard of or seen ln old movles... 莎曼珊只有在老電影里見過
[15:39.28]...but moves she never thought she'd experlence flrsthand. 但沒想到會親身體驗
[15:44.00]I used to groove with these cats in Cuba. 我過去經(jīng)常在古巴快活
[15:48.16]What's the matter? 怎么了,艾德? 付不起電費嗎?
[15:52.24]Can't afford the Iight biII?
[15:52.60]You're fun. A toast to fun. 你真幽默,敬幽默一杯
[16:02.96]What the heII! 管他的
[16:03.68]I'm gonna Iay my cards on the tabIe. 我就打開天窗說亮話吧
[16:08.72]-I've onIy got a handfuI of good years Ieft. -No--
[16:11.12]10 to 12, tops. 頂多10到12年 我想找個陪我一起享樂的人
[16:15.48]I'm Iooking for someone to have some fun with.
[16:17.68]I'm aware that a gorgeous woman Iike you can get any young man you want. 我知道像你這么美麗的女人 要找怎樣年輕的男人都行
[16:22.04]I'm wiIIing to make it worth your wiId. 所以我愿意給你一點回報
[16:26.52]And speaking of wiId... 說到野性,別擔(dān)心
[16:27.40]...don't worry.
[16:28.88]I got a big, oId pocketfuI of Viagra. 我有的是威而鋼
[16:34.16]Why, Ed. 艾德,那可不是威而鋼
[16:38.56]That's not Viagra.
[16:39.92]Samantha was suddenly llvlng her own urban relatlonshlp myth. 莎曼珊正在實踐 她的都會感情神話
[16:45.20]The woman who stopped for a cocktall after work and llved happlly ever after. 一個下班后喝杯雞尾酒的女人 從此過著幸福美滿的日子…
[16:49.00]For 10 to 12 years, tops. 最多10到12年
[16:50.08]I think in the dark is sexier. 我想在黑暗中比較性感
[16:55.68]CouId you get that Iight behind you? 能關(guān)掉你身后的燈嗎?
[17:02.80]In the dark, she learned that all cats not only look the same but felt the same. 在黑暗中,她發(fā)現(xiàn)所有的貓 不僅看起來一樣,感覺也一樣
[17:06.76]Ed's llps were not the llps of an older man. 艾德的吻跟一般老男人不同
[17:10.76]Ed's touch was not the touch of an older man. 艾德的撫摸跟一般老男人不同
[17:14.16]Excuse me, baby. LittIe boy's room. 抱歉,寶貝,我要去廁所
[17:17.92]Unfortunately Ed's ass was the ass of an older man. 不幸的是 艾德的屁股老態(tài)畢露
[17:28.44]She told hlm lt was a bad reactlon to the shellflsh from dlnner. 她告訴他因晚餐吃了貝類食物 而身體不舒服先行告退
[17:38.88]Saturday afternoon, Mlranda was at home... 米蘭達正在享受一杯咖啡 以及閱讀紐約時報的悠閑時光
[17:41.68]...enjoylng a cup of coffee and her New York Times...
[17:44.16]...when fate came knocklng. 命運卻來敲門
[17:53.32]Yes? -誰? -史蒂夫
[17:54.48]It's Steve. -哪個史蒂夫? -史蒂夫布萊迪,當酒保的
[17:57.48]Steve who?
[17:56.40]Steve Brady, the bartender.
[18:01.08]What do you want? -你想怎樣? -你想讓鄰居聽到嗎?
[18:00.28]You want your neighbors to hear?
[18:10.28]Hi. 嗨
[18:10.60]-Thanks for Ietting me in. -Did you forget something? -謝謝你讓我進來 -你忘了什么嗎?
[18:13.100]No, I didn't have your number and I wanted to teII you something. 不,我沒有你的電話 而我想告訴你…我喜歡你
[18:20.72]I Iike you.
[18:21.56]TransIation: ''I think you're an easy Iay and I'd Iike to have sex again.'' 你的意思是:跟你上床很容易 我想再來一次
[18:25.32]It's not Iike that. 不是那樣的
[18:29.52]Have dinner with me. -跟我吃晚飯 -為什么?
[18:32.48]I don't know, because we're hungry. 我不知道,因為肚子餓
[18:35.36]I can't have dinner with you. I don't even know you. 我甚至不認識你
[18:37.16]-You sIept with me. -It's a different thing. -你跟我上過床 -那不一樣
[18:42.60]-How 'bout tonight? -I have pIans. 今晚可以嗎?
[18:45.08]-You don't have pIans. -I do. -不行,我有計劃了 -你才沒有計劃
[18:47.08]What pIans? Quick, before you make one up. -我有 -是什么?快說,免得你騙人
[18:50.28]I'm meeting my friends downtown at DeniaI for dinner. 我跟朋友約好在“否認”吃飯
[18:53.44]My buddy works there. I'II meet you for a drink. What time? 我去找你喝一杯,幾點?
[18:56.72]7:00. 七點
[19:01.56]What time are you reaIIy meeting them? 你到底跟她們約幾點?
[19:07.28]9:00. 九點
[19:18.88]At 8.:15, I arrlved at Blg's. 八點十五,我到了大人物家
[19:19.08]One qulck drlnk and we'd be out the door. 準備很快喝杯酒便出門
[19:24.04]I told myself all day lt was just another dlnner wlth frlends. 我跟自己說只是跟朋友吃頓飯
[19:26.72]But, as I stood waltlng, ln my new, very favorlte dress... 但當我穿著新買的衣服 站在門外等待
[19:29.24]...I reallzed lt meant a lot more. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)意義遠大于此
[19:35.20]Hi, baby, c'mon in. 寶貝,進來吧
[19:36.00]You're not properIy attired to meet my friends, mister. Hop to it. 你的穿著不適合跟我朋友見面 快去換衣服
[19:39.56]About that.... 關(guān)于那件事…
[19:46.64]Do you mind if I don't go? 你介意我不去嗎? 我在外忙了一天,又快下雨了
[19:49.64]I've been out aII day, it's gonna rain.
[19:51.48]But my friends are expecting you. 可是我的朋友都在等你
[19:53.100]I know, but they're your friends and... 我知道,但她們是你朋友 你去就夠了
[19:56.24]...they'II be fine with just you.
[19:60.12]Is it okay? -可以嗎? -當然
[20:03.52]I was afrald lf I looked up lnto hls eyes... 我害怕若抬頭注視他的眼睛 我會變成石頭
[20:06.28]...I'd turn to stone.
[20:14.36]How could I have let myself belleve thlngs would be dlfferent the second tlme around? 我怎么會相信 我們的關(guān)系第二次便會好轉(zhuǎn)?
[20:20.36]I'd never heard of a myth ln whlch a self-centered, 42-year-old baby... 我從未聽說過 在都會感情神話中
[20:22.64]一個42歲的嬰兒 不可思議地變成一個
[20:25.92]...maglcally transformed lnto a grown man that you could brlng out ln publlc. 可以帶到公開場合的成熟男人
[20:34.36]They won't seat us 'tiI aII of our party is here. 人沒到齊他們不肯帶位 大人物還要多久才到?
[20:35.64]How Iong do you think Big wiII be?
[20:38.04]I'm not sure, he's coming from work. 我不確定,他從公司過來
[20:40.08]I dldn't have the strength to tell them about my fallen hero. 我無法告訴她們我的墜落英雄 怎么了,至少等我喝一杯再說
[20:43.48]Not wlthout a cocktall.
[20:44.28]I flgured as long as I was ''ln Denlal,'' I mlght as well stay there. 只要我在“否認” 我可能會一直待在那里
[20:48.36]Look at you. 你看你
[20:51.44]If you want good service, send a bartender. 如果你想要殷勤的服務(wù) 派一個酒保去
[20:55.00]If you want a good fuck, go home with one. 如果你想要完美的性愛 就帶一個回家
[20:59.72]HeIIo! It was funny! 怎么了?這很好笑
[21:00.60]Can I taIk to you over there, for a second? 米蘭達,可以跟你說句話嗎?
[21:04.28]The gods are punishing me for having casuaI sex. 老天在懲罰我隨便和人上床
[21:16.20]Thank you. 謝謝
[21:15.80]One quick question and I'm out of here. 問你一個問題我就走 你為什么這么恨男人?
[21:19.68]Why do you hate guys so much?
[21:22.64]Excuse me? 你說什么?
[21:22.36]We just met, so I know that it ain't aII about me. 我們才剛認識 所以我知道你不是針對我
[21:25.76]Wait. -等一下… -你到底想怎么樣?
[21:28.64]What do you want?
[21:30.64]I just wanna get to know you better. 我只想更進一步了解你 幫我一個忙好嗎?
[21:32.32]Do me a favor.
[21:33.36]Can you, for a second, beIieve that maybe I'm not some ''fuII-of-shit'' guy? 你能不能試著相信 或許我不是個壞人?
[21:39.16]That maybe I do Iike you? 或許我是真的喜歡你? 或許那一晚很特別?
[21:41.96]That maybe the other night was speciaI?
[21:43.92]-Do you think maybe you can beIieve that? -No. -你能相信嗎? -不能
[21:47.20]Maybe I've just sIept with too many bartenders. 或許我跟太多酒保上過床了
[21:55.64]Are you okay? -你還好吧? -我不想談
[21:58.24]I don't wanna taIk about it.
[22:02.24]Nice meeting you aII, excuse me. 幸會,失陪了
[22:11.28]-Maybe we shouId get a tabIe for four. -I knew it. 也許我們應(yīng)該 要一張四個人的桌子
[22:14.76]Big's not coming. Men are shit. 我就知道,大人物不會來了 男人都是爛貨
[22:15.40]What are you taIking about? He's coming, isn't he? -別胡說,他會來吧? -我不知道我是否說得出口
[22:18.28]I dldn't know lf I had the heart to tell Charlotte that ''happlly ever after...''
[22:21.08]告訴夏綠蒂“從此幸福美滿” 真的只是個神話
[22:24.76]...really was just a myth.
[22:27.56]See, there he is! 他來了
[22:43.08]It's reaIIy coming down out there. -外面雨下的真大 -你還記得我的朋友嗎?
[22:46.44]-You remember my friends? -Of course, I do.
[22:50.96]HeIIo, Iadies. 我當然記得,你們好
[22:50.44]Seelng Blg show up for me... 看見大人物為我現(xiàn)身徹底動搖 米蘭達對男人的不信任
[22:52.04]...shook Mlranda's lack of bellef system to the very core.
[22:56.28]Excuse me. 抱歉失陪
[22:57.80]More drinks? 就這樣,米蘭達離開“否認”
[23:01.48]Just llke that, Mlranda left Denlal.
[23:05.44]Steve! 史蒂夫
[23:12.48]Maybe I can beIieve it. 或許我能相信
[23:21.44]From that nlght on, promlscuous women everywhere... 從那時起 男女關(guān)系復(fù)雜的女人
[23:24.32]...would tell the tale of the one-nlght stand... 也將訴說著一夜情 變成真感情的故事
[23:25.44]...that turned lnto a relatlonshlp.
[23:29.32]As for Blg and me.... 至于大人物和我…
[23:30.96]So, teII me. 莎曼珊,告訴我 你有沒有跟那老頭上床?
[23:33.48]Did you ever get it on with that oId coot?
[23:37.04]That was the nlght we stopped belng a myth and started becomlng real. 從那晚起,我們不再是神話 而開始步入真實