The launch marked the completion of the in-orbit construction of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) , the country's largest space-based system and one of four global navigation networks, along with the United States' GPS, Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo.
北斗衛(wèi)星導航系統(tǒng)(Beidou Navigation Satellite System)是中國著眼于國家安全和經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展需要,自主建設、獨立運行的衛(wèi)星導航系統(tǒng)(independently constructed and operated by China),是為全球用戶提供全天候、全天時、高精度的定位(all-time, all-weather and high-accuracy positioning)、導航和授時服務(navigation and timing services)的國家重要空間基礎設施。
中國高度重視北斗系統(tǒng)建設發(fā)展,自 20 世紀 80 年代開始探索適合國情的衛(wèi)星導航系統(tǒng)發(fā)展道路,形成了“三步走”發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略:2000 年年底,建成北斗一號系統(tǒng),向中國提供服務;2012 年年底,建成北斗二號系統(tǒng),向亞太地區(qū)提供服務(provide services in the Asia-Pacific region);計劃 2020 年前后,建成北斗三號系統(tǒng),向全球提供服務(provide global services)。2035 年前,將以北斗系統(tǒng)為核心,建設完善更加泛在、更加融合、更加智能的國家綜合定位導航授時(positioning navigation and timing,PNT)體系。
1994年,北斗衛(wèi)星導航系統(tǒng)啟動建設。20多年間,我國在西昌衛(wèi)星發(fā)射中心共組織了44次北斗發(fā)射任務,利用長征三號甲系列運載火箭,先后將4顆北斗一號試驗衛(wèi)星(experimental satellites)、55顆北斗二號和北斗三號組網(wǎng)衛(wèi)星(third-generation satellites)送入預定軌道,任務成功率100%。
By now, 59 satellites, including the first four experimental ones, have been launched from Xichang on Long March 3Bs, some having since been put into retirement.
There are 30 third-generation Beidou satellites in three types of orbit — 24 in medium-Earth orbits, three in inclined geosynchronous satellite orbits and three in geostationary orbits.
載人空間站 manned space station
助推火箭 booster rocket
發(fā)射中止系統(tǒng) launch abort system
發(fā)射場 launch site
可重復使用運載火箭 reusable carrier rocket
運載火箭 carrier rocket
衛(wèi)星導航 satellite navigation