Inspectors check the food quality at a supermarket in Beijing's Xicheng district on Wednesday. Zou Hong/China Daily
The national food safety campaign applies the "most rigorous standards" and requires the "strictest" supervision over the food sector and the "harshest" penalties and accountability for violations.
Food security強調的是確保人們都能得到維持健康生活所需要的糧食,主要跟糧食的供應和人們獲取的渠道有關,我們稱為“糧食安全”;而food safety強調的是確保人們吃進嘴里的食物在生產、存儲和銷售等環(huán)節(jié)都符合衛(wèi)生健康標準,即“食品安全”。
發(fā)生在校園及其周邊、餐飲聚集區(qū)、種養(yǎng)殖生產基地、農村和城鄉(xiāng)接合部、物流中心等區(qū)域的案件(cases in and around schools, food markets, planting and breeding production bases, urban-rural junction areas and logistics centers);
呈現規(guī)?;?、組織化、鏈條化的案件(cases that are committed by organizations);
涉及嬰幼兒食品和藥品的案件(cases involving medicines, food for infants and children);
利用網絡、電商平臺、社交媒體、電視購物欄目等實施的案件(cases involving the Internet, e-commerce platforms, social media and TV shopping programs);
人民群眾反映強烈、社會影響惡劣、輿論高度關注的案件(cases that draw wide attention and have bad social influences)等。
專項行動將落實“處罰到人”,對違法犯罪企業(yè)及其法定代表人(legal person)、實際控制人(actual controller)、主要負責人(person in charge)等直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員進行追責,實行從業(yè)禁止(prohibition of employment in the industry for a certain period of time)、終身禁業(yè)(lifelong employment ban in the industry)。
食品安全 food safety
非法食品添加劑 illegal food additives
農藥殘留 pesticide residues
假冒偽劣藥品 fake or substandard medicine