China will launch its first Constitution Week publicity campaign, which is scheduled from Dec 2 to 8, according to an official circular released Monday.
根據(jù)中央宣傳部(the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China)、司法部(Ministry of Justice)、全國普法辦公室( the national office for law popularization)日前聯(lián)合發(fā)出的通知,這是我國第一個“憲法宣傳周”。
據(jù)介紹,今年12月4日是第五個國家憲法日(Constitution Day),也是第一個“憲法宣傳周”。這次宣傳周活動的主題是尊崇憲法、學習憲法、遵守憲法、維護憲法、運用憲法。
通知要求,要重點抓好領導干部這個“關鍵少數(shù)”憲法學習教育。推動國家工作人員帶頭學習憲法、遵守憲法、維護憲法、忠于憲法(take the lead in learning, observing, upholding and being allegiant to the Constitution)。增強各級領導干部走中國特色社會主義法治道路的自覺性和堅定性,提升領導干部運用法治思維和法治方式解決問題(better employ the rule-of-law thinking and approaches to solve problems)的能力。
通知還要求,要堅持憲法教育從娃娃抓起,全面落實相關規(guī)定,廣泛深入開展青少年憲法教育(extensive Constitution education for Chinese youth),讓憲法法治精神在青少年頭腦中扎根。要采取人民群眾喜聞樂見的形式(in a manner welcomed by the public),廣泛開展憲法宣傳進企業(yè)、進農村、進機關、進校園、進社區(qū)、進網(wǎng)絡等活動(improve Constitution publicity in the whole society, including enterprises, rural areas, government organs, communities and cyberspace),推動憲法宣傳社會面全覆蓋,推動憲法精神進基層,使憲法走入日常生活、走入人民群眾中。
通知強調,要嚴格落實“誰執(zhí)法誰普法”普法責任制,把憲法學習宣傳列入部門普法責任清單,在立法、執(zhí)法、司法和法律服務全過程開展憲法學習宣傳教育(advance Constitution publicity and education in legislation, law enforcement, judicial work and legal services)。
憲法宣誓 pledge allegiance to Constitution
憲法權威 Constitution authority
法定職責 obligations given by the laws
憲法意識 Constitutional awareness
依憲治國 governance of the country on the basis of its constitution
依法治國 law-based governance of the country