Words are living things, the very bodies in which ideas and emotions become materialized.By the power of the word, to an extraordinary extent, we can influence what happens to our lives.
There is a famous old story about an optimist and a pessimist. A half glass of water was placed before them for their inspection, and they were asked to describe what they saw.
"I see," said the optimist cheerfully," a glass that is half full."
"I see," said the pessimist with a heavy sigh,"a glass that is half empty."
There could hardly be a better example of the power that lies in words, and of how word-choice can come to influence our whole mood and outlook. If we say often enough how full things are-whether water glasses or whatever else-we grow more and more into a fullness of our own. If we say often enough how empty things are, we can make our life-adventure an emptiness indeed.