The best excuse that can be made for avarice is , that is generally prevails in old men , or in men of cold tempers ,where all the other affections are extinct ; and the mind being incapable of remaining without some passion or pursuit ,at last finds out this monstrously absurd one ,which suits the coldness and inactivity of its temper . at the same time ,it seems very extraordinary ,that so frosty ,spirtless a passion should be able to carry us further than all the warmth of youth and pleasure .but if we look more narrowly into the matter ,we shall find ,that this very circumstance renders the explication of the case more easy .when the??temper is warm and full of vigour , it naturally shoots out more esay .when the temper is warm and full of vigour , it naturally shoots out ore ways than one and produces inferior passion to counterbalance , in some degree ,its predominant inclination .it is impossble for a person of that temper. However ,bent o any pursuit , to be deprived of all sense of shame ,or all regard to sentiments of mankind . his friends must have some influence over him ; and other considerations ate apt to have some influence over the avaricious man ,being ,from the coldness of his temper ,without regard to reputation ,to friendship ,or to pleasure ,should be carried so far by his prevailing inclination ,and should display his passion in such surprising instances.