扣押 distrain on; attachment
扣押物 distress/distraint
寬限期 period of grace
勞動爭議仲裁申請書 petition for labor dispute arbitration
勞改場 reform-through-labor farm
勞教所 reeducation-through-labor office
類推判決的核準程序 procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence
累積證據(jù) cumulative evidence
立案報告 place a case on file
立案管轄 functional jurisdiction
立案決定書 written decision of case-filing
立案偵查 report of placing a case on file
利害關系人 interested party
臨時裁決書 interim award
律師見證書 lawyer’s written attestation; lawyer’s written authentication
律師事務所 law office; law firm
律師提前介入 prior intervention by lawyer
免于刑事處分 exemption from criminal penalty
民事案件 civil case
民事審判庭 civil tribunal
民事訴訟 civil action
民事訴訟法 Civil Procedural Law
扭送 seize and deliver a suspect to the police
派出法庭 detached tribunal
派出所 police station
判決 judgement; determination
判決書 judgement; determination; verdict (指陪審團作出的)
旁證 circumstantial evidence
陪審員 juror
批準逮捕 approval of arrest
破案 clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case
破產 bankruptcy; insolvency
普通程序 general/ordinary procedure