# Eleanor #
She picked them up and sat down. He was already reading.
The next morning, when Eleanor got on the bus, there was a stack of comics on her seat.
That night, after her brothers and sister fell asleep, Eleanor turned the light back on so she could read. They were the loudest sleepers ever. Ben talked in his sleep, and Maisie and the baby both snored. Mouse wet the bed -- which didn't make noise, but still disturbed the general peace. The light didn't seem to bother them though.
Eleanor put the comics between her books and stared at the window. For some reason, she didn't want to read in front of him. It would be like letting him watch her eat. It would be like… admitting something.
But she thought about the comics all day, and as soon she got home, she climbed onto her bed and got them out. They were all the same title -- Swamp Thing.
Eleanor ate dinner sitting cross-legged on her bed, extra careful not to spill anything on the books because every issue was in pristine condition; there wasn't so much as a bent corner. (Stupid, perfect Asian kid.)