1.If the workers do approve the buyout, their company will become the nation's largest employee-owned enterprise.
重點詞語:buyout n.買下全部產權
商務用語:employee's buyout 雇員收購(雇員購得公司大部分股份而取得公司控制權)
2.The secretary called the HR department into session.
重點詞語:call n.①(交易所術語)購買權 ②催付 ③付款要求 v.①召集 ②要求或請求參加會議 ③要求還清
商務用語:first call 第一次繳付
final call 最后催繳股款
will call (大商店的)預定售貨部
to call for bid 招標
3.This is an advertising campaign for a new product.
重點詞語:campaign n.(政治或商業(yè)性)活動,運動
商務用語:a fund-raising campaign 一項籌措資金的計劃
community fund campaign 地方募捐運動
4.Tom offered himself as a candidate for a post.
重點詞語:candidate n.①求職者 ②候選人 ③申請人
商務用語:master candidate 候補大師
presidential candidate 校長候選人
5.He canvassed the papers, hunting for notices of jobs.
重點詞語:canvass v.①向…拉票或拉生意,拉定單 ②細查
商務用語:canvass for subscriptions 招徠訂貨