harsh speech 惡口 *
hateful 嗔 *
haughty pride 慢過慢 *
hear sutras 聽經(jīng) *
Heaven of the Four Kings 四天王 *
Heavenly King of Increase and Growth 增長天王 *
Heavenly King of Learning 多聞天王 *
Heavenly King of the Broad Eyes 廣目天王 *
Heavenly King Who Upholds his Country 護國天王 *
Heaven of Form Realm 色界天 *
heroic 勇猛 *
heterogeneous retribution 異熟報
hit wooden board 打板 *
hold mantras 持咒 *
Homa 護摩
homogeneous retribution 等流果
hooking and summoning 勾召 *
Horse-necked Avalokitesvara (Hayagriva) 馬頭金剛
hour stretches 時辰 *
humaneness 仁 *
an Icchantika 一闡提 *
idle theory 戲論 *
ignorance 無明 *
incantation 詛咒 *
inconceivable 不可思議 *
infatuation 癡愛 *
instruction 開示 *
initial resolve 初發(fā)心 *
initiation 灌頂
intense arrogance / great pride 大我慢 *
intermediate yin-body, intermediate existence body, intermediate-skandha body 中陰/有身 *
inverted bell 引磬
investigate a topic 參話頭 *
investigate the Dharma 學法 *
irreversible 不退 *
Jambu River gold / Jambunada gold 閻浮檀金*
Jambudvipa 南瞻部洲
Jeweled Hall of the Great Heroes 大雄寶殿 *
Jokhang Monastery of Lhasa 拉薩大昭寺
kalavinka sound 迦陵頻伽聲 *
Kanakamuni 拘那含牟尼 *
Karmadana 維那師 *
Karman 羯磨 *
Karmic obstacles 業(yè)障 *
Kashaya 袈裟 *
keen faculties / sharp faculties 利根 *
Khadak 哈達
King Ajatashatru 阿奢世王 *
King Prasenajit 波斯匿王 *
kinnara 緊那羅 *
koti 俱祗 *
Kshana 剎那 *
Kshanti 羼提 *
Lama Chopa 喇嘛曲巴
A Lamp for the Bodhi-Way (Bodhipathapradipa) 《菩提道燈論》
Lang Darma 朗達瑪
Lankavatara Sutra 《楞伽經(jīng)》*
lay people 居士 *
Duobao Lecture Monastery 多寶講寺 (多寶佛 Many Jewels Buddha* )
left-home people 出家人 *
light ease 輕安 *
open light 開光 *
lineage / tradition 傳承 *
lion's roar 獅子吼 *
lion's throne 獅子座 *
living Buddha 活佛 *
loose speech 綺語 *
the Lucid Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas 《百法明門論 》
magnanimity 偉大精神 *
the Maha-prajna-paramita-sutra 《大般若經(jīng)》*
the Maha-Parinirvana Sutra 《大涅槃經(jīng)》*
mahoraga, great python spirit 摩睺羅伽 (大蟒神) *
majestic and adorned 莊嚴 *
make a full prostration 大禮拜
make obeisance to 頂禮 *
make three-step-one-bow pilgrimage 三步一拜 *
mandala 壇城
manas consciousness 末那識 *
manifest the stillness 示寂 *
the Manjushri's Five-syllable Mantra 《文殊五字真言》
many sharira (很多)舍利 *
Marpa 瑪爾巴
Mati Panchen Lama 末底班禪大師
Maudgalyayana 目犍連 *
Medicine Master Buddha Who Dispels Calamities and Lengthens Life 消災延壽藥師佛 *
mendicant 乞士 *
Milarepa 米拉日巴
milk gruel 乳糜 *
mind consciousness 意識 *
monastic grounds 伽藍 *
monk robes 僧袍 *
morality 持戒 *
morning recitation 早課 *
most virtuous and awe-inspiring 大威德 *
mound of flesh 肉髻 *
Mount Grdhrakuta 耆阇崛山 *
Mount Kukkutapada 雞足山 *
Mount Sumeru 須彌山 *
Mountain Gate 山門 *
much learning 多聞 *
mudra arms 母陀羅臂 *
myriad virtues 萬德 *
Nalanda Monastery 那爛陀寺
Namas Monastery 南無寺
newly ordained 新戒 *
Nirvana robes 涅槃僧內(nèi)衣
Nishyanda body 盧舍那身 *
no mark of self 無我相 *
non-production and non-extinction 不生不滅 *
no outflows / non-outflows 無漏 *
no self 無我 *
noumena and phenomena 理、事 *
objects of touch 觸 *
ocean's roar 海潮音 *
Of all the kinds of offerings
The gift of the Dharma is the highest
諸供養(yǎng)中,法供養(yǎng)最 *
One Enlightened to Conditions 緣覺 *
the One Hundred Dharmas 《百法》
ordination ceremony 授戒典禮 *
Ordination Hall 戒堂 *
the Ordination Platform 戒壇 *
the Ornament of Clear Realization 《現(xiàn)觀莊嚴論》
outrageous pride 過慢 *
overweening pride 增上慢 *
palanquin 輿 *
Papiyan 波旬 *
parajika offences 波羅夷罪 *
parinirvana 圓寂 *
paste incense 涂香 *
pat / rub on the crown 摩頂 *
patience 忍辱 *
patience with the non-production of dharmas 無生法忍 *
patriarch 祖師 *
the Perfect Penetration Hall 圓通殿
perfect penetration without obstruction 圓融無礙 *
perfectly fused 圓融 *
pestilence 瘴 *
Phabonkha 帕繃喀
Physician King and Superior Physician 藥王,藥上 *
platform 壇 *
poluted thinking / false thoughts 妄想 *
poorly enclosed place 邊地 *
pouch 囊 *
the Praise of Arisal of Conditions《緣起贊》
Prajna (literary, contemplative, true-appearance) 般若 (文字、觀照、實相)*
the Prajna Sutra 《般若經(jīng)》*
the Prajna Sutra of the Humane King Who Protects His Country 《仁王護國般若經(jīng)》*
pratimoksa 波羅提木叉 *
Pratyekabuddha 緣覺 *
Pravarana 自恣 *
precept platform 戒壇 *
precept sash 戒衣 *
precept substance 戒體 *
preceptee 戒子 *
perpetuate the Dharma 令法久住 *
purify the boundaries for a the Dharma session 灑凈 *
precepts and rules 戒律 *
precious king 寶王 *
(bestow) the Prediction of Buddhahood 菩提印記 *
primary meaning 第一義 *
primary truth 第一義諦 *
Production of Jewels Buddha 寶生佛 *
Proper Dharma Age 正法時代 *
Proper Dharma of Certification 證正法
Proper Dharma of Teaching 教正法
the Provisions for Concentration and the Way 《定道資糧》
public record 公案 *
pure youth and maiden 童男童女 *
purity of six sense organs 六根清凈 *
radiates a light 放光 *
rage and hate 嗔忿 *
real mark / real appearances 實相 *
receive alms / go on alms-round 乞食 *
receive complete ordination under so and so 在某某座下受具足戒 *
receive full ordination 受具足戒 *
recline 臥 *
rejoice exceedingly 大歡喜 (profuse joy) *
relentless hells 無間地獄 *
repent and reform 懺悔 *
retreat 閉關(guān) *
return the hearing and listen to the self nature 反聞聞自性 *
rever and honor 恭敬尊重 *
Rinpoche 仁波切 (meaning “Jewel of Human Beings, or Great Jewel”)
ritual procedure 儀軌
rub on / pat one's crown 摩頂 *