1888年,Thomas Holley創(chuàng)造了信箋。24歲的他在馬薩諸塞州霍利約克的一家造紙廠工作。每天他和同事們都會扔掉很多被稱為“邊角余料”的廢料,這些廢料是將紙張切成合適大小的尺寸后剩下的部分。他知道它們一定有用武之地,最終想到了一個好點子,就是把這些“邊角余料”切成統(tǒng)一尺寸并裝訂成記事本。因為這些紙張對造紙廠來說就是垃圾,所以他們可以以很低的價格出售這種小本子。
The first few batches of pads sold so well that Holley quit his job at the mill and started his owncompany—Ampad, or the American Pad and Paper Company—to collect scraps from the localmills and manufacture and sell his pads. His company still exists, and they still manufacturenotepads in a variety of sizes and shapes. And colors.
The pads that Holley made probably weren't yellow, and that isn't the only color they come intoday. The only thing that technically sets the legal pad apart from every other notepad is the1.25-inch, left-side "down lines," or margins. According to a historical deep-dive on legal padsin a 2005 issue of Legal Affairs magazine, Holley added these lines "in the early 1900s at therequest of a local judge who was looking for space to comment on his own notes."
Still, when most people think legal pad, they think of the classic yellow paper and blue lines. The true origin of the yellow hue is actually a mystery. As far as we know, Holley's pads werewhite pads, and dyeing them yellow would have upped his cost and ruined his business plan.
There are a few competing hypotheses about how the pads came to be yellow later on, butnone can be verified and no one seems to know when the pads first came out in color. Oneorigin story suggests that yellow contrasted well against black ink without glare, making texteasier to read. Or, that from a psychological perspective, "yellow is an excellent color forstimulating mental activity," so writing on yellow notepads could boost your creativity orclarity.
Another possibility is that Holley or his successors eventually decided to dye the paper to hidethe fact that the pads were made from scraps of varying age and quality, and yellow was thecheapest or most readily available dye at the time.