原 文:
Don't be difficult.
辨 析:
原譯1顯然不通,因為“困難”是形容詞,不能這樣用;而原譯2雖然通卻不確切,可能會造成誤解。difficult的意思是“困難(的)”,第四版Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English給的定義是hard to do, understand, or deal with(難做,難懂或難處理)。因此我們可以說This problem is very difficult.(這個問題很難。)也可以說 It is difficult to solve this problem. (很難解決這個問題。/這個問題很難解決。)如要表示“我們很難解決這個問題”,可在上一句加上for us:It is difficult for us to solve this problem,但是卻不可以說We are difficult to do that.(參見本書第117則)。這是因為difficult這個形容詞有“主動的”含義,something is difficult 的意思不是某事物本身有困難,而是對別人構成困難。至于用以形容人,上述詞典專門列出:someone who is difficult never seems pleased or satisfied(怎么也討不了好,總是不滿意),其意思仍然是對別人構成困難,實在是一個很難巴結、很難相處的人。He is a difficult friend.的意思是As a friend, he is hard to please.(他這個朋友不好相處。)也可以這么理解:He is a difficult person.所含的實際意思是He is a person who makes things difficult for others.(但并沒有像原譯2所說的那樣故意另外“制造出困難來”。)所以Don't be difficult.可以理解為Don't make us feel difficult. 因此原文可譯為:別難為 / 刁難我(們)了?;颍簞e讓我們感到為難。