原 文:
Surrounded by so many admirers, she must be difficult in her choice.
原 譯:
辨 析:
下面我們來看看difficult一詞的用法。一般而言,difficult多用于形容事物,如:This is a difficult problem. / This problem is difficult. This sentence is difficult to translate. / It is difficult to translate this sentence.表示“我很難回答這個問題”要說This question is difficult for me to answer.或It is difficult for me to answer the question. 不能說I am difficult to answer the question. (hard、easy等詞的用法也是如此。) 原句中difficult的用法應該說是比較特殊的,其意思等于the choice is difficult for her或it is difficult for her to choose,就是說她很難做出選擇。但是簡單照字面譯成“很難做出選擇”還是不夠生動,意思也不確切。考慮到她“很難做出選擇”的原因是“追求她的人很多”,不妨將全句譯為:追求她的人那么多,她簡直挑花了眼(拿不定主意,不知道選誰好)。