Celine: Look at this palm reader. She's interesting looking.
Jesse: Yeah.
Celine: Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Jesse: What?
Celine: I made eye contact.
Jesse: She's not coming over here.
Celine: Yes, she is.
Jesse: Oh, shit.
Celine: Oh, no. You want your palm read?
Jesse: No.
Celine: Are you sure?
Jesse: I'm sure.
Celine: Okay.
Palm reader: Hello.
Celine: Oh, here she is.
Plam reader: I want your palm read.
Celine: Yeah. How much is it?
Palm reader: For you, 50. Okay?
Celine: Okay.
Palm reader: So you have been on a journey and you're a stranger to this place. You are an adventurer. A seeker. An adventurer in your mind. You are interested in the power of the woman. In the woman's deep strength and creativity. You're becoming this woman. You need to resign yourself to the awkwardness of life. Only if you find peace within yourself will you find true connection with others. That is a stranger to you?
Celine: I guess so.
Palm reader: You will be all right. He's learning. Okay. Money. You're both stars. Don't forget. When the stars exploded billions of years ago they formed everything that is this world. Everything we know is stardust. So don't forget, you are stardust.
Jesse: That's very nice and all. I mean, that we're all stardust and you're becoming this great woman. But I hope you don't take that any more seriously than some horoscope in a newspaper.
Celine: What? She knew I was on vacation and that we didn't know each other and that I was going to become this great woman.
Jesse: But what was that 'l am learning' bullshit? That's way condescending, you know? I mean, she wasn't even doing me. I mean, if opportunists like that ever had to tell the real truth, it would put them out of business. Just once, I'd love to see some little old lady save up all her money to go to the fortuneteller. She'd get there and the woman would say, Tomorrow and all your remaining days will be exactly like today a tedious collection of hours. And you will have no new passions and no new thoughts and no new travels. And when you die, you'll be completely forgotten. Fifty schillings, please. That I'd like to see.
Celine: It's so funny how,she almost didn't notice you. It's weird. I wonder why. She was really wise and intense. I really loved what she said.
Jesse: You pay your money to hear what makes you feel good about yourself. Maybe there's a seedy section of vienna. We can buy a hit of crack. Would you like that?
Celine: You're so...
Jesse: Stardust. Stardust.