Adam: Hey, Philippe, it's Adam.
Dad: Hi. Come in.
Adam: Hey, Dad.
Dad: Hey.
Adam: Check it out.
Dad: Vinyasa yoga and the Army Ranger workout. I combined them!
Adam: Wow. That's very impressive.
Dad: I'm gonna do a video, I think. Vinyasa Power.
Adam: I can almost see where your muscles go. Very funny.
Dad: Hit me.
Adam: No, I'm not gonna hit you. I don't want to hurt you.
Dad: You're not gonna hurt me. Come on, hit me. Give me your best shot. Come on, quick, before I get a hernia!
Adam: No.
Dad: You're right. Let's smoke some weed.
Adam: This is really good stuff.
Dad: My agent got me one of those medical marijuana cards.
Adam: It's nice to see they're supporting your career.
Dad: Yeah. So, how's the show going?
Adam: I mean, great. I mean, it's about high-schoolers who sing and dance and blog.
Dad: At least you're writing, that's what's important.
Adam: No. I'm an assistant.
Dad: Well, but... at least they've seen your writing.
Adam: Not yet. Actually...I wanted to get your opinion on this episode that I wrote. Kind of a sample.
Dad: That's my boy. I'll take a look at it, sure. And then I'll call somebody.
Adam: No. Do not call anyone. Just read it and tell me what you think.
Dad: OK. So...Are you having sex?
Adam: Yes. I'm having sex.
Dad: 'Cause if you want any pointers, you know...I can help you out. If there's one thing you learn after two failed marriages, it's how to eat kitty. Anyone special?
Adam: No. I mean, not since Vanessa.
Dad: It's been a year. It's time to move on.
Adam: It's been eight months, Dad. What did you want to talk to me about, anyway? You got a dog? Seriously, that's...
Vanessa: Freckles! Come! You didn't tell him yet? Damn!
Dad: I... Adam, I wanted to tell you. I was just about to tell you.
Adam: How long?
Dad: Well...
Adam: How long?
Dad: Not long. I... She needed a place to stay because, you know, her landlord is such a D-bag. Christmas. I ran into her at a party. We got to talking. About you, mostly.
Adam: It looked so soft!
Dad: It's not. God! Oh, that really hurt. Damn.
Adam: You're fucking my ex-girlfriend?
Dad: Well, yeah, but... She's just so hot.
Adam: I know how hot she is.
Vanessa: That's really sweet. Thanks, guys.
Adam: Fuck you!
Dad: Adam. All right, I'm not the perfect dad. But the worst thing you can do in life is to say no to love. And I think she really loves me. Don't. Adam.