Kate: Yeah, let's up her breathing treatments today.
John Crowley: What's going on?
Kate: Just a cold. She's awfully congested.
John Crowley: Call the doc just to be on the safe side?
Mrs Crowley: Yeah, I left word.
John Crowley: Sweetie? I'm gonna go to work, okay? Feel better. Bye-bye.
Colleague: We're already doing great marketing the drug to physicians. It's our direct marketing to patients we need to beef up.
Female colleague: Mr. Crowley, I'm really sorry. Aileen'son the line, she really needs to speak to you.
John Crowley: Okay, thank you. I'm just gonna... Hey.
Mrs Crowley: We're at the hospital. The doc wants Megan under observation.
John Crowley: Is she all right?
Mrs Crowley: Just keep your cell with you.
John Crowley: Okay. Can I do something?
Mrs Crowley: I'll call you when I know more. I should really get back to Megan, so I'll call you as soon as I know anything, okay?
John Crowley: Bye. Love you.
Doctor: Excuse me, please. Sir?
John Crowley: My daughter, Megan Crowley, was brought in for observation.
Doctor: Yeah. Actually, they're moving her to the ICU.
John Crowley: Where?
Doctor: That way.
John Crowley: Aileen.
Mrs Crowley: John. Has she told you about the trip that Fiona's taking with her remote-controlled car?
John Crowley: Yeah, yes, she did. You're right. That's right, sweetie. You're gonna see all the penguins, aren't you? She might send some postcards or something like that. Lots of good stuff to see along the way... It's okay. like icebergs and maybe a polar bear.
Doctor: As you know, Pompe patients suffer muscle deterioration in every part of the body, so this sort of respiratory complication, well, that's just an inevitable fact of the disease. Mr. Crowley, Mrs. Crowley, Megan is not responding well. Okay? Now, we've done everything we can, but she's just... There's nothing more we can do. I'm sorry. As you know, she was already well past the life expectancy, for, you know, Pompe kids. After all, it's not just her lungs, okay? Her heart, her liver, these organs have been compromised and would've become fatally enlarged. Now, I wish that we had a drug to treat Pompe, but we simply don't. I'm so very sorry. Look, maybe... Maybe you can find some small comfort in knowing that Megan's suffering will be over. Maybe you can see this as a blessing.