Chapter 8
It was 1943, and Captain America was leading his elite team of soldiers, known as the Howling Commandos, on a raid deep into enemy territory when their plane was spotted and shelled down by HYDRA antiaircraft weapons.
Miraculously, Dum Dum Dugan, one of the Howling Commandos, was able to bring the plane in for a crash landing, but it was way more “crash” than it was “landing.” The commandos barely survived. All of them were injured in some way, ranging from cuts and scrapes to broken bones.
“We're behind enemy lines, near a HYDRA installation, and some of us are too injured to travel,” reported Cap in his private war journal. “This is one of my first missions as team leader, and everyone is asking me what to do . . . . To be honest, I'm not sure what to tell them. Should we attempt to make it back to our base on foot? Or will that make us too much of a target? Maybe we should just dig in here, hide, and wait for a rescue mission.”
Cap's next journal entry was even direr. Some of the Howling Commandos, not getting any direction from Cap, were thinking about striking out on their own. Others refused to travel. It was getting more desperate by the minute.
“I'm filled with doubts,” Cap admitted to his war journal. “I thought that I was ready to lead this team, but maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a leader at all.”
But in his darkest moment, Cap found a picture of himself with Dr. Abraham Erskine and Howard Stark, the two brilliant scientists who had created the Super-Soldier process that gave Cap his special abilities.
“Looking at that photo gave me hope,” reported Cap. “If those two great men believed in me enough to trust me, then I must be able to do the things they need me to do.”
With determination, Cap searched for a solution. While checking the map, he realized that the nearby HYDRA base held fighter planes. The Commandos might be too injured to make it all the way back to home base on foot, but he knew they could make it as far as the HYDRA base.
The Commandos who were less injured helped move the more seriously injured ones, and in a daring mission, they snuck into the HYDRA base, stole a plane, and flew it back to safety!
That experience led Cap to an important conclusion. Half of leadership, he realized, was about believing in yourself and believing in your team.
As Vision's hologram ended, Sam was surprised. “Cap had to learn to be a leader?” he asked. “I always assumed that he was a natural leader.”
Vision considered this. “Maybe even a natural leader sometimes has difficult moments. Maybe what makes them ‘naturals’ is that they never give up trying, even when they most want to.”
Falcon realized that Vision was right.
“Come on, Vision, we've got to go,” he said, extending his wings.
“Where are we going?” asked the android.
“Back to Avengers Tower. I've got a team to lead.”
Sam got back to Avengers Tower just as Black Widow was heading out on her solo attempt to locate and free Hawkeye. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were quietly watching her go, not sure whether they wanted her to stay or not.
“Wait,” said Sam as he and Vision entered. “You're not going anywhere.”
Widow spun around to face Sam, looking angry. “Who's going to stop me? You? I'm not sitting around here. I'm going after Clint.”
“Yes, you are going after him,” said Sam. “We all are. And we're doing it as a team!”
This took everyone by surprise.
“Look,” said Sam, now with the room's full attention. “I know I haven't been the best leader so far. But the Avengers were originally formed because there came a day, unlike any other, when Earth's Mightiest Heroes found themselves united against a common threat. . . and today, Ultron is that kind of threat.
“If the team were to split apart now, Ultron would be halfway to victory,” Sam pointed out. “So far our team has been focusing on the things that separate us, but now it's time to focus on what unites us: our duty to the planet!”
Everyone looked around the room, realizing that Sam was right. They nodded in agreement at each other.
“Okay,” said Widow. “But how do we find Ultron?”
Sam smiled. “That's where my latest invention is going to come in handy,” he said with a grin. “Follow me. . . .”