Chapter 8
“I'll take left, you take right!” Cap shouted to Hawkeye as he sprang forward.
Hawkeye instantly obeyed Cap's order, leaping into action by his side. The two were a blur of activity, knocking out one zombified S.H.I.E.L.D. agent after another! But there were just too many of them! Living undead agents slipped past Cap and Hawkeye and instantly ran toward Ant-Man.
“I've still got to get Bruce out of there!” Ant-Man shouted to the others as he dodged the snapping jaws of the agents who came at him.
“Do it as quickly as you can, soldier!” Cap shouted back to him.
Between Ant-Man and Tony Stark's body, where Banner was still trapped, were three snarling and growling undead!
“Here goes nothing,” Ant-Man said as he flung himself at the undead. In midair, he shrank. The shrinking moved him out of the way of some grasping zombie hands! Ant-Man quickly shrank or grew to different sizes as needed to dodge the arms of the agents who desperately snatched at him.
“Move it, Ant-Man!” shouted Hawkeye as he knocked out two more of the agents. “We can't keep this up forever!”
Finally reaching the table where Tony Stark was lying, Ant-Man shrank down to about a foot and ran across the surface, grabbing the device needed to extract Banner.
“Hold on, Bruce!” shouted Ant-Man into his comm. “You're coming out, but we've got company.”
Using the device, Ant-Man withdrew Banner from Tony's body, then hit him with Pym Particles. Banner grew to normal size next to Ant-Man. Ant-Man, too, returned to his usual height.
“That's what you mean by company?” Banner asked, seeing the advancing S.H.I.E.L.D. undead.
“Let's draw them away from Tony's unconscious body!” Ant-Man said, grabbing Bruce and pulling him toward the door, where Cap and Hawkeye were trying to make a path for them to get through.
At exactly that moment, Ant-Man's comms carried a message from Falcon. “Ant-Man, are you there?” Falcon asked.
“In the middle of something,” Ant-Man answered, still pulling Banner through the room crowded with living undead.
“Fine—but we need that cure now!” Falcon replied. “We just lost Black Widow to the undead team.”
Out in the street, Falcon and Thor were trying to push back a horde of living undead that was attempting to enter an apartment building filled with uninfected people. Euclid was still with them, bucking and knocking down rows of zombies, but there were too many of them.
“The cure is developed! We'll get it out to you as soon as we can!” Ant-Man promised Falcon. “But we have to get ourselves out of here first! It looks like the whole population of the Helicarrier has become infected!”
Ant-Man and Banner were now only a few feet away from Cap and Hawkeye, who had cleared a zombie-free path down the corridor to freedom.
“We're counting on you,” Falcon called. “Stay safe!”
“We will!” shouted Banner, when suddenly a group of infected S.H.I.E.L.D. agents broke past Cap and slammed into Ant-Man and Banner, knocking them to the ground.
“Or maybe we won't!” said Ant-Man as the living undead fell on them.
“No!” Banner screamed as one of the living undead bit him. “They got me!”