在這一課里, 我們學習過去進行式句子, 并且要學習用 when, w-h-e-n, when 跟while, w-h-i-l-e, while, 作表明時間的短句.現(xiàn)在我們來聽今天這一課的對話, 內容說到凱特告訴亨利她開車超速被交通警察罰錢的事情. 請你注意聽兩位英文老師的發(fā)音和語調.
F: I got a traffic ticket this afternoon.
M: Were you parking in the wrong place?
F: No, I was driving too fast.
M: How fast were you going?
F: 55 in a 35 mile per hour zone.
M: Why were you in such a hurry?
F: I left school late and I was trying to get home before the rush hour.
M: Did you make it?
F: No, when the police officer was giving me the ticket, the rush hour started. It took me twice as long to get home.
在剛才那段對話里有一個常用的詞 rush hour, r-u-s-h h-o-u-r, rush hour 這個詞指的是上下班交通最擁擠的時刻. 現(xiàn)在我們再把整段對話聽一遍. 這次老師念的比較慢, 請你注意聽.
F: I got a traffic ticket this afternoon.
M: Were you parking in the wrong place?
F: No, I was driving too fast.
M: How fast were you going?
F: 55 in a 35 mile per hour zone.
M: Why were you in such a hurry?
F: I left school late and I was trying to get home before the rush hour.
M: Did you make it?
F: No, when the police officer was giving me the ticket, the rush hour started. It took me twice as long to get home.
現(xiàn)在我把剛才那段對話里的過去進行式句子挑出來, 請老師再念一遍給你聽.
M: Were you parking in the wrong place?
F: I was driving too fast.
M: How fast were you going?
F: I was trying to get home before the rush hour.
F: When the police officer was giving me the ticket, the rush hour started.
聽了上面那些句子,你或許已經注意到過去進行時態(tài)就是把動詞加上i-n-g, 比方 "停車" park, p-a-r-k, park 變成 parking, "去" go, g-o, go 變成 going, 然后在這個動詞前面斟酌情況用 was, w-a-s, was 或是 were, w-e-r-e , were.現(xiàn)在我們來作一組練習, 由老師念一過去式句子, 請學生把句子改成過去進行式, 這些句子都是從剛才那段對話里挑出來的. 下面就是一個例子:
M: Did you park in the wrong place?
F: Were you parking in the wrong place?
好, 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習. 學生作句子的時候請你也一起作.
M: Did you park in the wrong place?
F: Were you parking in the wrong place?
M: I drove too fast.
F: I was driving too fast.
M: How fast did you go?
F: How fast were you going?
M: I tried to get home before the rush hour.
F: I was trying to get home before the rush hour.
M: The police officer gave me a traffic ticket.
F: The police officer was giving me a traffic ticket.
在英文里過去時態(tài)是用來表示在過去某個時間里發(fā)生的事情; 而過去進行時態(tài)是用來表示在過去的一個動作已經發(fā)生的時候另外一個動作正在進行中.這種句子只有在對話中才能夠單獨存在, 所以我們必須在剛才練習過的過去進行式句子后面分別加上一個用 when, w-h-e-n, when 開頭的短句來說明過去兩個動作的先后程序. 比方 "交通警察在寫罰款單給我的時候,交通就開始擁擠起來了" 這句話應該這樣說: The rush hour started when the police officer was giving me a traffic ticket.
現(xiàn)在我們來作一組練習, 把剛才學過的句子加上時間短句. 練習的作法是先由老師念一個有時間短句的過去進行式句子,然后你會聽到一個簡短的答覆,請你根據你所聽到的來回答問題. 首先我們舉一個例子:
M: How fast were you going when the police officer stopped you?
F: 55 miles per hour
F: I was going 55 miles per hour when the police officer stopped me.
好, 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習, 每作完一句就請你聽正確答案.
M: Were you parking in the wrong place when you got a traffic ticket?
F: No
F: No, I wasn't parking in the wrong place when I got a traffic ticket.
M: Were you driving too fast when you got a traffic ticket?
F: Yes
F: Yes, I was driving too fast when I got a traffic ticket.
M: How fast were you going when the police officer stopped you?
F: 55 miles per hour
F: I was driving 55 miles per hour when the police officer stopped me.
M: Were you trying to get home before the rush hour when the police officer stopped you?
F: Yes
F: Yes, I was trying to get home before the rush hour when the police officer stopped me.
M: Was the police officer giving you a ticket when the rush hour started?
F: Yes
F: Yes, the police officer was giving me a ticket when the rush hour started.
下面我們用代換方式作另外一組練習. 在這組練習里用 when 開頭的短句包含的是過去進行時態(tài)動詞, 比方亨利問凱特: "在你超速的時候你知道時速限制是多少嗎?" Did you know the speed limit when you were speeding? 這個練習談的都是亨利問凱特關于她開車超速的時候的事情. 在這組練習里, 你可以學到跟交通有關系的幾個詞, 比方 "時速限制" speed limit, s-p-e-e-d l-i-m-i-t, speed limit, "規(guī)則" , r-e-g-u-l-a-t-i-o-n, regulation, "交通標志" traffic sign, t-r-a-f-f-i-c s-i-g-n, traffic sign, "交通信號燈" traffic light, t-r-a-f-f-i-c l-i-g-h-t, traffic light, "公路" highway, h-i-g-h-w-a-y, highway 等等. 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習.
M: Did you know the speed limit when you were speeding?
M: did you know the regulation
F: Did you know the regulation when you were speeding?
M: did you see the police car
F: Did you see the police car when you were speeding?
M: did you see the traffic sign
F: Did you see the traffic sign when you were speeding?
M: did you see the traffic light
F: Did you see the traffic light when you were speeding?
M: what was the speed limit
F: What was the speed limit when you were speeding?
M: how was the traffic
F: How was the traffic when you were speeding?
M: were you on the highway
F: Were you on the highway when you were speeding?
M: were you in a hurry
F: Were you in a hurry when you were speeding?
現(xiàn)在我們來學習用 while, w-h-i-l-e, while 作表明時間的過去進行語態(tài)短句. 這個字跟我們學過的 when 意思相同,但是在用法上有一些區(qū)別. while 只能跟進行語態(tài)一起用, 而 when 不受這個限制. 一般說來過去的兩個動作同時都在進行的時候比較常用 while.下面我們來作一組練習, 內容還是談到亨利問凱特有關她被交通警察攔下來的事情. 現(xiàn)在請你根據亨利問的問題作肯定的答覆.每作完一句就請你聽正確的答案.
M: Were you talking to the police officer while he was writing the ticket?
F: Yes, I was talking to him while he was writing the ticket.
M: Were you looking at him while he was writing the ticket?
F: Yes, I was looking at him while he was writing the ticket.
M: Were you listening to the radio while you were waiting in your car?
F: Yes, I was listening to the radio while I was waiting in my car.
M: Were you smoking while you were waiting in your car?
F: Yes, I was smoking while I was waiting in my car.
M: Were you thinking while you were smoking?
F: Yes, I was thinking while I was smoking.
下面我們來作另外一組練習, 內容是說凱特向亨利說明她開車的時候并沒有在吃東西或是在打電話等等. 練習的作法是凱特先念一個句子, 接著你會聽到亨利說出一個動作, 比方 "打電話" making a telephone call 或是 "作白日夢"daydreaming 等等. 請你用亨利說的字或是詞來代換原來句子里第一個動詞.每作完一句就請你聽正確答案.
F: I wasn't eating while I was driving.
M: drinking
F: I wasn't drinking while I was driving.
M: sleeping
F: I wasn't sleeping while I was driving.
M: making a telephone call
F: I wasn't making a telephone call while I was driving.
M: daydreaming
F: I wasn't daydreaming while I was driving.
M: singing
F: I wasn't singing while I was driving.
下面一組練習是由老師念出兩個過去式句子, 請學生把句子改成過去進行時態(tài)并且用 while 把兩個句子合并成一個句子. 首先舉個例子.
M: Henry watched television at home. The police officer gave Kate a ticket.
F: Henry was watching television while the police officer was giving Kate a ticket.
這組練習的內容是說當警察把罰款單給凱特的時候,別人都在作什么. 現(xiàn)在請你注意聽老師念句子, 并且在學生作句子的時候也一起作.
M: Henry watched television at home. The police officer gave Kate a ticket.
F: Henry was watching television at home while the police officer was giving Kate a ticket.
M: Peter camped in a national park. Henry watched television at home.
F: Peter was camping in a national park while Henry was watching television at home.
M: Mary hiked in a forest.Peter camped in a national park.
F: Mary was hiking in a forest while Peter was camping in a national park.
M: Linda looked at Peter's graduation pictures. Mary hiked in a forest.
F: Linda was looking at Peter's graduation pictures while Mary was hiking in a forest.
M: Jenny studied in her dormitory. Linda looked at Peter's graduation pictures.
F: Jenny was studying in her dormitory while Linda was looking at Peter's graduation
M: The police officer gave Kate a ticket. Jenny studied in her dormitory.
F: The police officer was giving Kate a ticket while Jenny was studying in her dormitory.
首先我們來聽一篇文章, 內容是說在美國街道和公路上開車有什么限制,比方要是有人開車超速, 警察就會寫罰款單給他; 要是有人一連拿了好幾張罰款單就可能暫時不準開車等等.現(xiàn)在請你注意聽.
Many regulations govern drivers on American streets and highways. The most common ones are the speed limits. The speed limit regulates how fast a car may go. On streets in the city, the speed limit is usually 25 or 35 miles per hour. On the highways between cities, the speed limit is usually 55 miles per hour. When people drive faster than the speed limit, a policeman can stop them. The policeman gives them pieces of paper which people call traffic tickets. Traffic tickets tell the drivers how much money they must pay. When drivers receive too many tickets, they probably cannot drive for a while. The rush hour is when people are going to work or going home from work. At rush hour there are many cars on the streets and traffic moves very slowly. Nearly all American cities have rush hours. Drivers do not get tickets very often for speeding during the rush hours because they cannot drive fast.
剛才那篇文章你聽懂了嗎? 如果沒全部聽懂, 不要緊, 等一會兒我請英文老師再念一遍給你聽. 現(xiàn)在我們先來聽今天測驗的問題.
M: What are the speed limits on American streets and highways?
M: What will happen when people drive faster than the speed limit?
M: How is the traffic during the rush hour?
Many regulations govern drivers on American streets and highways. The most common ones are the speed limits. The speed limit regulates how fast a car may go. On streets in the city, the speed limit is usually 25 or 35 miles per hour. On the highways between cities, the speed limit is usually 55 miles per hour. When people drive faster than the speed limit, a policeman can stop them. The policeman gives them pieces of paper which people call traffic tickets. Traffic tickets tell the drivers how much money they must pay. When drivers receive too many tickets, they probably cannot drive for a while. The rush hour is when people are going to work or going home from work. At rush hour there are many cars on the streets and traffic moves very slowly. Nearly all American cities have rush hours. Drivers do not get tickets very often for speeding during the rush hours because they cannot drive fast.
好, 現(xiàn)在請你回答下面三個問題.
M: What are the speed limits on American streets and highways?
F: On streets in the city, the speed limit is usually 25 or 35 miles per hour. On the highways, the speed limit is usually 55 miles per hour.
M: What will happen when people drive faster than the speed limit?
F: A policeman can stop them and give them tickets.
M: How is the traffic during the rush hour?
F: The traffic is usually very slow during the rush hour.