With the adaptation led by such a controversial screenwriter, fans of Jin Yong's Condor Heroes began lamenting the story's fate even before the show began production. As production images of the show's lead actress Michelle Chen began to circulate around the Internet, criticism and even calls to boycott the show began to overshadow the production.
Too much girl next door
"That's the fattest Xiaolongnü (little dragon lady) I've ever seen!" "It's sad that such a supreme wuxia classic has been reduced to a nauseous love story!" - Comments such as these swept the Internet almost instantly after the show premiered. And for good reason: The show is filled to the brim with bad writing, cheaply made actions scenes and a story that completely departs from the novel.
One of the biggest problems with the show comes from the casting choice for the main character. In the novel, Xiaolongnü is described as pure, pretty, quiet and elegant young woman. From the early 1983 series to the 1995 version staring Carman Lee - regarded as the defining depiction of the character - and further on to the more recent 2006 mainland version played by Liu Yifei, an actress's looks and temperament have always been seen as primary requirements for playing this leading role. Chen's appearance as the cool and collected Xiaolongnü has been a disaster for Condor Heroes, as viewers are having a difficult time connecting Chen with the image depicted in the classic novel or previous series.