‘Jeopardy!’ This game show celebrated the 50th anniversary of its debut (broadcast on March 30, 1964), and proved it can still not only stump viewers but also surprise them. That’s not just because the host, Alex Trebek, briefly regrew a mustache after 13 clean-shaven years, but also because some contestants showed they could still rile an audience. This year, it was Arthur Chu, who introduced a blitzkrieg style of gamesmanship that provoked a cyber hate-fest. His strategy was thrilling and certainly effective: he came in second in the Tournament of Champions. (Ben Ingram, the nice guy, finished first.)
《危險!》(Jeopardy!):這個游戲節(jié)目今年已播出50年(1964年3月30日首播),它證明自己不僅能難住觀眾,而且能令他們感到意外。不僅是因為主持人亞歷克斯·特里貝克(Alex Trebek)留起了胡子(之前13年他都是把胡子剃得干干凈凈),而且是因為仍有些選手表明自己能刺激觀眾。今年刺激觀眾的是亞瑟·朱(Arthur Chu),他采用閃電戰(zhàn)式的答題方式,在網上引起一片嘩然。他的策略令人興奮,當然也很奏效:他在錦標賽中奪得第二名(友善的本·因格拉姆[Ben Ingram]最后得了第一)。