‘Episodes’ This comedy on Showtime, too often overlooked, follows the bewilderment of two British TV writers stuck in Hollywood creating a series for Matt LeBlanc, who plays a diva version of himself very convincingly. Not many shows set in the entertainment industry can sustain the conceit, but this is one that got even better in its third year.
《劇集人生》(Episodes):映時頻道的這部喜劇經(jīng)常被忽視,它講述的是兩位被困在好萊塢的英國電視編劇在為馬特·勒布朗(Matt LeBlanc)創(chuàng)作電視劇時遇到的困惑。勒布朗在劇中飾演他自己,演得很精彩。以娛樂業(yè)為背景的電視劇很少能保持最初的巧妙構(gòu)思,但這部劇的第三季比前兩季還要精彩。