Li Yu李煜
Spring flowers and autumn moon-when will they be ended?春花秋月何時(shí)了,
How many past events can we tell?往事知多少!
The east wind blew through my small lodge again last night.小樓昨夜又東風(fēng),
The old country, bathed in a bright moon.故國(guó)不堪回首月明中。
Is an overwhelming sight!Those carved balustrades, those marble terraces-雕欄玉砌應(yīng)猶在,
They should still be there.Only the rosy cheeks have faded.只是朱顏改。
How much sorrow and pray, can a person carry?問(wèn)君能有幾多愁?
Like the spring torrent flowing eastward, without tarry!恰似一江春水向東流。