If I had known what Precious was about, I probably wouldn’t have wanted to see it. Just too dark and depressing. You can’t really tell a story like Precious successfully if you aren’t daring your audience to drive the nearest knife into their wrists. Kudos, then, to screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher and director Lee Daniels for injecting at least some humor and hope into the film. About midway through the movie I was pretty astonished that, despite the rough hand our central character, Precious, was dealt, the movie is undeniably entertaining. It hooked me. I cared. I wanted a happy ending, and even though things got even worse from that point on for her, I believe what the film believes: that the good and strength in people doesn’t always prevail, but it can. I trusted in Precious’ strength, even if we only see it in snippets early on.
Gabourey Sidibe deserves the Oscar nomination. I’ve seen her in interviews, making the rounds of all the talk shows, and she couldn’t be more different than her character. I only point this out because I will admit to wondering if Sidibe — unfair as it might be — was essentially playing a version of herself might be both a tribute to her work and an insult to the actress. She’s bursting with life, where Precious has it buried and burning inside.