Oscar-winning couple Kate Winslet and her director husband Sam Mendes announced on Monday that they have separated after less than seven years of marriage.
奧斯卡影后凱特 溫斯萊特和其丈夫、同獲奧卡斯獎的導演薩姆 門德斯于本周一宣布,兩人在結婚近七年后分手。
"Kate and Sam are saddened to announce that they separated earlier this year," Keith Schilling of London law firm Schillings said in a statement.
倫敦希林斯律師事務所的基思 希林在一份聲明中說:“凱特和薩姆沉重宣布,他們已于年初分手。”
"The split is entirely amicable and is by mutual agreement. Both parties are fully committed to the future joint parenting of their children. They ask that the media respect the privacy of the family," the statement added.