After friends of mine landed at busy Newwark Airport, they were unable to attract the attention of any porters to help with their luggage . In desperation , the husband took out a five-dollar bill and waved it above the crowd.
In an instant , a skycap was at his side. "Sir", observed the porter, "you certainly have excellent communication skills."
attract [??tr?kt] v. 吸引,引起……的注意
porter [?p??t?(r)] n. 搬運工,腳夫
luggage [?l?g?d?] n. 行李
desperation [?desp??re???n] n. 絕望,無奈
crowd [kra?d] n. 人群
instant [??nst?nt] adj. 立即的,緊急的
skycap [?ska?k?p] n. 機場行李搬運員
observe [?b?z??v] v. 注意到,觀察
excellent [?eks?l?nt] adj. 優(yōu)秀的,極好的
communication [k??mju?n??ke??n] n. 交流
A It's about time to arrive in San Francisco.
B Oh, finally.
A 快要到舊金山了。
B 哦,終于到了。
A Where do I have to go to pick up my luggage?
B Right down the hallways.
A 我該在哪里領(lǐng)取行李?
B 就在那過道下面。
★pick up 取,領(lǐng)取
★hallway [?h??lwe?] n. 門廳,過道
A I lost a piece of luggage.
B Let me attempt to assist you.
A 我丟失了一件行李。
B 我盡力幫你找。
★attempt [??tempt] v. 嘗試,努力,試圖
★assist [??s?st] v. 幫助,協(xié)助
A I can't find my luggage. Here is my claim tag.
B Don't worry. Can you describe it?
A 我找不到我的行李了。這是我的行李票。
B 別擔(dān)心。你能描述一下它是什么樣子的嗎?
★claim tag 行李票,行李牌
★describe [d??skra?b] v. 描寫,形容
檢查行李時要遞上證件,海關(guān)稽查員(Customs Inspector)將要你申報帶入美國的物品,然后他們將檢查你的行李,并核對你在飛機上填寫的海關(guān)申報單。如果你隱瞞需報關(guān)納稅的物品,將受重罰。所以建議你如實申報。